क्रीडा विशेष Meaning in English
क्रीडा विशेष शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sports special
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
खेल भंडारखेल अवकाश
क्रीड़ा स्थल
खेल वार्डन
खेल कूद महिला
खेल लेखक
खिलाडी लडकी
खेल भावना
खेल खेलने वाला खिलाडी
खेल दिखानेवाले की विद्या
महिला खिलाड़ी
क्रीडा-विशेष इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
KFAM aired such shows as The 700 Club, kids shows, other religious shows, sports specials, and pet shows.
Kathryn Humphreys – City Toronto sports specialist and reporter.
In December 2008, the Band appeared on a nationally televised sports special on CBS Sports, and in April 2008, the Band performed for Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton at an election rally on the Penn campus.
Ku-Ring-Gai is a creative arts-based school; sports specialist classes and history programs are also offered.