कुष्ठरोगी Meaning in English
कुष्ठरोगी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : leprosy
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
कोढ़ रोग संबंधीकोढ,कुष्ट रोग
कुक्षि चलन
कुष्ठरोगी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
बाबा आम्टे ने 'आनन्दवन' के अलावा और भी कई कुष्ठरोगी सेवा संस्थानों जैसे, सोमनाथ, अशोकवन आदि की स्थापना की है जहाँ हजारों रोगियों की सेवा की जाती है और उन्हें रोगी से सच्चा कर्मयोगी बनाया जाता है।
"" बाबा आम्टे ने 'आनन्दवन' के अलावा और भी कई कुष्ठरोगी सेवा संस्थानों जैसे, सोमनाथ, अशोकवन आदि की स्थापना की है जहाँ हजारों रोगियों की सेवा की जाती है और उन्हें रोगी से सच्चा कर्मयोगी बनाया जाता है।
उच्च मध्य युग के दौरान, पश्चिमी यूरोप ने कुष्ठरोग का एक अभूतपूर्व प्रकोप देखा. मध्य युग में अनगिनत लेप्रोसारिया, या कुष्ठरोगी अस्पतालों को खोला गया था; मैथ्यू पेरिस के अनुमान के अनुसार 13वीं सदी के आरम्भ में सम्पूर्ण यूरोप में इनकी संख्या 19,000 थी।
कुष्ठरोगी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Kikuchi medical branch prison (leprosy).
In the northern parts of Nigeria, the roots of the tamarind plant are used to treat leprosy and in America tamarind pulp has been utilised as a laxative and to treat a range of ailments such as alleviating sunstroke and sore throats.
Various parts of Acanthus ilicifolius have been used to treat asthma, diabetes, leprosy, The Battle of Bogesund was an important conflict in the campaign of Christian II to gain power over Sweden.
There is also an additional, abrupt change at Leviticus 13:47, between discussion of leprosy, and of leprosy of clothing (mildew), only presenting part of a sentence, devoid of any verb clause — [.
The garment also that the plague of leprosy is in, whether it be [list of types of garment].
This latter text, discussing mildew, noticeably appears to interrupt Leviticus 13:1-14:32, discussing leprosy, since prior to it is a law ordering that a leper be sent out of the camp to dwell alone, and after the mildew section is a law instructing priests to go out of the camp and inspect the leper to see if they are yet healed.
Modification of this kind is thought to be evident in the law concerning leprosy; Leviticus 14:10-20 is regarded by critical scholarship as a later substitute for the ritual of Leviticus 14:2-8.
During the campaign he contracted leprosy and returned home.
Although suffering from leprosy since childhood, Baldwin's determination to frustrate Saladin's attempt was such that he led personally, although he had to be carried on a stretcher.
He died of leprosy in 1167 without issue.
Shripal was also infected by leprosy.
It cured Shripal's leprosy along with that of 700 other lepers.
The Wooroloo Sanatorium for people with tuberculosis and leprosy was built in 1915, but by the 1960s the sanatorium was no longer required and the institution became a general hospital for the surrounding district.