कुलपति Meaning in English
कुलपति शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : vice chancellor
, head of the family
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
प्रधान महाधर्माध्यक्षसोवियत सरकारी विभागाध्यक्ष
स्टेशन का प्रधान
सिर बंद
प्रधान कार्यलय
मुख्य पद
प्रधान पादरी का सहायक
प्रधान पादरी क्षेत्र
प्रधान राग
सिर रजिस्टर
प्रधान छत
प्रधान सेवक
सिर यात्रा
शिरो वस्ट्र
कुलपति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In the grander families, there was generally a Member of Parliament, or as in the case of the Earls of Ilchester, the head of the family kept a London house.
Lieutenant Colonel Syed Mir Ali Imam Al Mamun is the present head of the family.
The Rabinskys mostly accepted this result and from then on pursued their political fortunes within the Slobbovian imperial framework, the head of the family, Genghis Rabinsky, at one point becoming Czar.
He is cited by Sir John Wynn, 1st Baronet as his ancestor and head of the family at that time.
Relation with respect to the head of the family or household.
Before the show began, the Beale family consisted of head of the family Albert, his wife Lou Beale, and their six children, Harry, Ronnie, Dora, Kenny, and twins Pauline and Pete Beale.
In 1831 Knabe accompanied his fiancée's family when they emigrated from Saxe-Meiningen to the United States, but the head of the family died during the voyage and Knabe and his bride remained in Baltimore instead of continuing to Hermann, Missouri, where a brother had settled several years earlier.
The film made the Mangani tribe a family group of gorillas, with Kerchak a silverback gorilla (mature male) head of the family and mate to Tarzan's adoptive mother, Kala.
The matriarchial head of the family was Karthyayini Amma whose husband was Palakunnathu Krishna Pillai of Cherthala alias 'Penang Padmanabha Pillai' or P K Pillai, who had had six sons of whom Satyapalan Nair (Baby) was a leading producer of many early Malayalam films.
Sulaiman, who later succeeded his brother as head of the family conglomerate, was a teenager then, hired for a salary of '10 to do exchange delivery and messenger jobs for the shop.
After her husband's death in 1843, while she was pregnant with their daughter Stanisława, she became the head of the family at the age of 24, and took care of their lands in Marszew.
The current head of the family is Francis John Fane Marmion Dymoke (born 1955), 34th of Scrivelsby and 8th of Tetford, eldest son of Lieutenant Colonel John Lindley Marmion Dymoke, MBE, 33rd of Scrivelsby and 7th of Tetford (1 Sept.
The head of the family used the title of Duke of Montferrat from 1631 until 1861.
कुलपति हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
वह भारतीय अन्तरिक्ष विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान के कुलपति भी थे।
इसके पहले कुलाधिपति ने १४ अगस्त को बैनेट यूनिवर्सिटी, नोयडा के स्कूल ऑफ लॉ के डीन डॉ. वीसी विवेकानंदन को कुलपति के तौर पर नियुक्त करने का आदेश जारी किया था।
विश्वविद्यालयों के प्रशासन के लिए कुलपति, उपकुलपति, प्रबंध समिति (सीनेट), कोर्ट (सभा), शिक्षा समिति (Academic Council), रजिस्ट्रार और उसके सहायक आदि होते हैं।
तब से, इसने कुलपति और अन्य कार्यालयों के कार्यालय को रखा है।
प्रोफेसर राजशेखरन पिल्ले (उप-कुलपति, ईग्नू)।
प्रदेशीय विश्वविद्यालयों के कुलपति प्राय: प्रदेश के राज्यपाल होते हैं, जो अवैतनिक हैं।
डॉ राय सन् १९४२ में कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय के उपकुलपति नियुक्त हुए।
आज, पोप ऑफ़ कॉप्टिक रूढ़िवादी चर्च का कुलपति केंद्र, राम्लेह में स्थित सेंट मार्क कैथेड्रल है।
शिव सेना प्रमुख बाल ठाकरे, वैज्ञानिक जयन्त नार्लीकर तथा सिम्बायोसिस विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति एस॰बी॰ मजुमदार ने भी इसमें भाग लिया।
""बाद में मुख्तार अहमद अंसारी कुलपति बन गए।
गुप्तकाल में संस्थापित तथा हर्षवर्धन के समय में अपनी चरमोन्नति को प्राप्त होने वाले नालंदा महाविहार नामक विश्वविद्यालय के कुछ प्रसिद्ध तथा विद्वान कुलपतियों के नाम ह्वेन्सांग के यात्राविवरण से ज्ञात होता हैं।
सुमन ने 1968-78 के दौरान विक्रम विश्वविद्यालय (उज्जैन) के कुलपति के रूप में काम किया; उत्तर प्रदेश हिंदी संस्थान, लखनऊ के उपराज्यपाल ; 1956-61 के दौरान प्रेस और सांस्कृतिक अटैच, भारतीय दूतावास, काठमांडू (नेपाल); और 1977-78 के दौरान अध्यक्ष, भारतीय विश्वविद्यालय संघ (नई दिल्ली) रहे।
कृष्णकान्त सन्दिकोइ - संस्कृत भाषा और साहित्य के प्रसिद्ध लेखक-विद्वान, गुवाहाटी विश्वविद्यालय के प्रथम कुलपति।
कुलपति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Najeeb Jung, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, ex-vice chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia.
The university accepted the University Health Center concept and, in 1953, appointed the first vice chancellor of the Schools of the Health Professions.
Formerly he was the executive vice chancellor and provost at the University of California, Berkeley.
In March 2014, he became the executive vice chancellor and provost of the University of California, Berkeley.
George Kirya, chairman, Uganda Health Services Commission, former vice chancellor of Makerere University, and former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.
K Nag, ex vice chancellor Ranchi University is the chairman of the executive committee.
Theodore Hullar, UCR's executive vice chancellor, said the researchers' work had been set back years.
Initially he was designated the UNT Dallas Campus chief executive officer; the position was later upgraded first to vice chancellor, then "president designate" and finally, President.
ABU's first vice chancellor (principal administrator and leader) was British, as were most of the professorial appointments.
Nevertheless, under the vice chancellorship of Dr.
Alexander was succeeded as ABU vice chancellor by Dr.
A native Hausa, he was ABU's first Nigerian vice chancellor and a northerner.
By the end of the vice chancellorship of Ishaya Audu (mid-1975), ABU was solidly established as Nigeria's largest university and among Africa's academically strongest university institutions.