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कुल आमदनी Meaning in English

कुल आमदनी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : total income
, gross income

कुल-आमदनी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

" The Court also held that the amount of gross income on disposition of property is the proceeds less the basis (usually, the acquisition cost) of the property.

Adjustments (usually reductions) to gross income of individuals are made for contributions to many types of retirement or health savings plans, certain student loan interest, half of self-employment tax, and a few other items.

In United States income tax law, gross income serves as the starting point for determining Federal and state income tax of individuals, corporations, estates and trusts, whether resident or non-resident.

The amount on which tax is computed, taxable income, equals gross income less allowable tax deductions.

Disulfides In the consumer mortgage industry, debt-to-income ratio (often abbreviated DTI) is the percentage of a consumer's monthly gross income that goes toward paying debts.

Note that these are generally excluded from gross income for state and local income tax purposes.

'40,000 (adjusted gross income).

# The person had gross income of '3,400 or more, or.

06% in the average gross income.

His maximum contribution is 25% of his post-contribution income ('20,000, which would be the same as saying 20% of his gross income) whether he uses a Keogh plan or a SEP-IRA.

Certain types of income are specifically excluded from gross income.

The rate of tax is 30% of the gross income, unless reduced by a tax treaty.

The time at which gross income becomes taxable is determined under Federal tax rules, which differ in some cases from financial accounting rules.

कुल-आमदनी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""2008 में पेप्सीको की CEO के रूप में, इंद्रा नूई ने '1,49,17,701 का कुल आमदनी अर्जित किया, जिसमें '13,00,000 का मूल वेतन, $26,00,000 नकद बोनस, $64,28,538 के शेयर और $43,82,569 के विकल्प शामिल हैं।

प्रशासनिक तौर पर यह स्टेशन रेलवे के उत्तरी अंचल के मुरादाबाद मण्डल के अंतर्गत आता है, तथा कुल आमदनी के आधार पर इसे नॉन सुपर ग्रेड थ्री स्टेशन का दर्जा प्राप्त है।

कुल-आमदनी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

75% of total income that grows tax deferred, and if the company wants to provide an additional tax incentive, DC may be an option.

In the 2010 Fortune Global 500 (which lists companies by total income) Dexia was ranked 49th, the top-ranked Belgian company.

Riverbend's estimated cost was over '1"nbsp;million; in 1928 it seems that Walter's total income was '3"nbsp;million a year.

The organisation's total income is approximately '11m.

In the end, fifty-five per cent of the total income of Croatia–Slavonia were assigned to the Joint Treasury ("Joint Hungarian–Croatian Ministry of Finance").

In 2018-19 it made £121 million through its private patient units, more than a quarter of its total income, and about 18% of all the private healthcare carried out in England by the NHS.

The income taxes are determined by applying a tax rate, which may increase as income increases, to taxable income, which is the total income less allowable deductions.

It can be graphically represented as the longest vertical distance between the Lorenz curve, or the cumulative portion of the total income held below a certain income percentile, and the 45 degree line representing perfect equality.

Thirty two per cent of households in Parkdale spent 30% or more of total income on shelter in 2010.

According to accounts filed with the Electoral Commission, in 2017 the party—before its present growth—had a total income of £2,095.

population has an aggregate income equal to income of the poorest 43 percent of people in the world, or differently put, total income of the richest 25 million Americans is equal to total income of almost 2 billion people.

FIDH's total income in 2012 was €5,362,268 (nearly US'7.

According to the Rent Rolls of Lord Dudley and Ward, the income from coal mining on Knowle Hill (the former name for Netherton Hill) formed a large fraction of the total income of the Dudley Estate in 1701.

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