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किरच समूह Meaning in English

किरच समूह शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : splinter group

किरच-समूह इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Hubbard formed the ADS in August 1915 as a splinter group from the National Security League (NSL).

The Noorbakhshiya has emerged in the 15th century in Iran as a splinter group of the Kubrawiya Sufi order.

Founded in 1953 as a splinter group from the German Party (DP).

This splinter group has around 23 members, while the larger group is estimated to have 150 members.

Soon after it broke away from the larger Korubo, the splinter group was chased away by the settlers of Lodario, killing two members.

Martinez Donjuán believes that the roots of the Olmec culture lie in Teopantecuanitlan, and a splinter group left Teopantecuanitlan to colonize what we call the Olmec "heartland".

Church of England independent schools in the Diocese of St Albans Movement for the Unity of the Communists (in Portuguese: Movimento pela Unidade dos Comunistas) was a splinter group of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB).

PCB (ML) emerged as a pro-People's Republic of China splinter group of the Communist Party of Bolivia in 1965.

English male dramatists and playwrights The Kurdish Revolutionary Hezbollah (Hizbullahi Kurdi Shorishger) is a splinter group of the Kurdish Hezbollah and Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

The National Party split in 1994, and the Loewens led a splinter group that recognized Richard Loeb as party leader.

From 1860 to 1932 in the era of the American Civil War to the Great Depression, the opposing Republican Party, organized in the mid-1850s from the ruins of the Whig Party and some other smaller splinter groups, was dominant in presidential politics.

In the series Kahvi it is revealed that the Go-Backs were originally a splinter group of the Wolfriders, who had lost their wolf blood "because of Willowgreen's trickery.

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