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कानूनी साधन Meaning in English

कानूनी साधन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : legal instrument

कानूनी-साधन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""यात्री अपने ठहराव के उद्देश्य और शर्तों को औचित्य और निर्वाह के लिए पर्याप्त साधन दोनों का इरादा रहने की अवधि के लिए और एक तीसरे देश के लिए मूल या पारगमन के अपने या अपने देश में लौटने के लिए जो में यात्री कुछ है, है सकते हैं में भर्ती कराया, हो सकता है या एक तरह से इस तरह के कानूनी साधन प्राप्त की स्थिति में है;।

धार्मिक अभ्यास के बारे में प्रधानमंत्री का फरमान (डिक्री 92) धार्मिक अभ्यास के नियमों को परिभाषित करने वाला प्रमुख कानूनी साधन था।

पुलिस की क्रूरता से लड़ने के लिए जब कृपाल किसी भी कानूनी साधन की मदद प्राप्त करने में असमर्थ हो जाता है, तो वह अपने चचेरे भाई जीते को ढूंढने निकल जाता है, जो आतंकवादी समूहों के साथ संबंध रखता है।

कानूनी-साधन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It also serves as the major legal instrument within the African human rights system that clarifies the rights and privileges that African nations must guarantee to their children.

TRA carries out this activity through a number of legal instruments that stem from the Telecommunications Law of Bahrain, which was promulgated on October 23, 2002 as Legislative Decree No.

This convention is a legal instrument helping states parties to improve the protection of their underwater cultural heritage.

Five legal instruments together form the Brussels Regime.

All five legal instruments are broadly similar in content and application, with differences in their territory of application.

Other legal instruments in property law that facilitate the private and commercial dealing of land include the mortgage, lease, covenant and easement.

Meanwhile, "trust agreements", the legal instruments used to create the corporate trusts, received a hostile reception in state courts during the 1880s and were quickly phased out in the 1890s in favor of other clever devices like holding companies for maintaining corporate control.

They were worried that other captains might try to emulate Deng and be only too willing to give up their lives easily, hence they produced a legal instrument, the Naval Constitution on Punishing Evil and Encouraging Goodness (海軍懲勸章程), to pardon the sailors who lost their ships in battle.

During the reign of Pepin, she appears as his joint signatory in every legal instrument issued by him that is still preserved, which was unusual for this time period.

The ICZM Protocol is a unique legal instrument in the entire international community and the Mediterranean countries are proud of this fact.

” The government also committed itself to the repeal of some of its other best known legal instruments for restricting human rights, including the Sedition Act and Emergency Declarations and Banishment Act.

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