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कानूनी प्रतिनिधित्व Meaning in English

कानूनी प्रतिनिधित्व शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : legal representation

कानूनी-प्रतिनिधित्व हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

राज्य विधायिका छोड़ने के बाद, टालिब ने एक डेट्रोइट गैर-लाभकारी संगठन, शुगर लॉ सेंटर में काम किया, जो श्रमिकों के लिए मुफ्त कानूनी प्रतिनिधित्व प्रदान करता है।

पीड़ितों की भागीदारी और हर्जाने की धारा उनके न्यायालय में कानूनी प्रतिनिधित्व के संगठन के साथ पीड़ितों की सहायता के लिए जिम्मेदार है।

"" सार्थक दंड देने का अधिकार कई मामलों को उठाता है जिनमें क, प्रमाण का दायित्व, ख, प्रमाण का स्तर, ग, कानूनी प्रतिनिधित्व का अधिकार और लागत और घ, समीक्षा और अथवा अपील उपलब्ध होगी अथवा नहीं, शामिल हैं।

कानूनी-प्रतिनिधित्व इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Brad Fisher – legal representation.

Gary Stiffelman – legal representation.

In Australia, suspects and defendants have the right to have legal representation during investigation and trial.

The Constitution of Brazil declares that all defendants have right to counsel, and mandates that all defendants who cannot pay for an attorney are entitled to state-funded legal representation in all criminal and civil cases.

As per Article 20(5) of the Constitution of Ethiopia, "Accused persons have the right to be represented by legal counsel of their choice, and, if they do not have sufficient means to pay for it and miscarriage of justice would result, to be provided with legal representation at state expense.

Article 49 of the Federal Court Advocates’ Code of Conduct mandates that private attorneys must offer a minimum of 50 hours of legal representation for free or with minimum payment.

In civil cases, the state provides legal representation, legal advice, and help in covering court costs to those who cannot raise the necessary funds to hire an attorney, but only when it is deemed that there is a reasonable chance of success.

All defendants, detainees, and criminal suspects in Israel are entitled to legal representation in any criminal proceedings pertaining to them and all suspects are also entitled to consult a lawyer prior to police interrogation.

In criminal cases, the government only provides state-funded legal assistance when the accused faces the death penalty, but it provides legal representation and advice in a variety of civil cases.

The Law Society of Singapore also provides pro bono legal representation to indigent defendants facing criminal charges that do not carry the death penalty through its Criminal Legal Aid Scheme.

With his wife, artist Kate Durham, Burnside set up Spare Rooms for Refugees and Spare Lawyers for Refugees, programs which provide free accommodation and legal representation for refugees in Australia.

The concept of the Vogt was related to the Old German idea of the Munt, or guardian, but also included some ideas of physical defence and legal representation (whence the connection with advocatus or "advocate").

Although costs will be involved in legal representation, fees to witnesses, and in the fee to the special referee, the expenditure will be a fraction of the costs of full-scale litigation.

Al-Sharbi initially wanted to decline legal representation; a pro bono attorney was arranged by the Center for Constitutional Rights and other organizations when the US had not provided any counsel to the detainees.

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