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कागज का टुकड़ा Meaning in English

कागज का टुकड़ा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : piece of paper

कागज-का-टुकड़ा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""पतंग एक महज आसमान में उड़ने वाला कागज का टुकड़ा ही नही।

पतंग अपने सतरंगी रंगो से जीवन के सम्पूर्ण रंग बताती है और कहती है कि जिंदगी एक कागज का टुकड़ा है जो बुलदिंयों के आसमां को छूना चाहती है।

आम तौर पर यह एक छोटा आयताकार कागज का टुकड़ा होता है जो एक लिफाफे पर चिपका रहता है, यह दर्शाता है कि प्रेषक ने प्राप्तकर्ता को सुपुर्दगी के लिए डाक सेवाओं का पूरी तरह से या आंशिक रूप से भुगतान किया है।

तमिल में शब्द 'चिट ' और शब्द 'चिट्टि ' और ' कुरी ' मलयालम में पर्याय बन गया है , जिसका अर्थ है एक कागज का टुकड़ा है।

अगर वह कोई कागज का टुकड़ा यूंँ ही पड़े हुये देखते तो उसे स्वयं ही उठा कर कूड़े -दान में डालते और दूसरे के लिए अनुकरणीय उदाहरण पेश करते और काम को समय पर पुरा करने में कोई कोताही नहीं बरतते थे।

कागज-का-टुकड़ा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He wanted his family and everyone to know about the animals he saw by taking a piece of paper and molding the figurines from his memory, then painting them as he saw them in his dream.

" Leonard hung up a poster in his den with the word "rules" covered by a piece of paper on which was written the word "script".

The ID Boyden flourishes like a trump in his affidavit is little more than a piece of paper.

These kansubon are not constructed of a single, continuous piece of paper, but rather a number of pages arranged horizontally and glued together along their vertical edges.

Detchōsō (粘葉装), or "glued books": To create these books, binders took a double-wide piece of paper and folded it vertically to create a single, connected piece of paper with four printable sides.

A number of these folded pages would then be stacked and bound together by applying glue to the creased edges, the front page, and the back page, then mounting the glued surfaces with a cover made from a continuous piece of paper.

This binding method means that each double-wide piece of paper has only two printing surfaces instead of four, but by eliminating the need for double-sided legibility, bound-pocket books enabled publishers to use significantly thinner paper than was necessary for glued or sewn books.

The fact that I have the power to alter the appearance and content of a site merely by placing ideas on a piece of paper or a screen, is an ongoing adventure-and exploration into the unknown about how space and form can direct human response.

He waved a piece of paper with Nielsen's name on it.

using a very small camera of his own making and a piece of paper coated with silver chloride, which darkened where it was exposed to light.

When performing this song in recording, and in later live and television appearances, Cash would place a piece of paper under the strings of his guitar towards the tuning end.

A piece of paper was pasted over Somerset's name in the report, as it was deemed so sensitive.

This was contrary to the popular conception that the maximum number of times any piece of paper could be folded in half was seven.

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