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कण्ठ्य Meaning in English

कण्ठ्य शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gorge
, guttural

कण्ठ्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Male singers in the genre range from the guttural growls and black metal shrieks of Dani Filth and Morten Veland to the clean baritone vocals of Østen Bergøy and the bass range of Peter Steele.

Upon selection of a nesting site, the female will place herself there and will make guttural sounds to attract males to help build the nest.

Where Darren's vocals were more guttural, Vincent's newer style pushed the possibilities for Anathema onwards and upwards, with a scope and breath beyond his years.

Singer Dax Riggs's voice could range from a guttural growl to a Roy Orbison-esque wail in mid-song.

Miller, Amanda (2005), "Guttural vowels and guttural co-articulation in Ju|’hoansi".

"Peace" provides the first time in the track when Max Roach plays a steady rhythm behind Lincoln, whose vocal part transitions from scatting into a guttural tone and finishes with an exhaustive exhale.

Their debut album Lost Paradise was released in 1990 and "helped define the rules of doom/death metal: grinding, de-tuned anthems of woe topped with death metal-style guttural vocals" while demonstrating that the band was "already reaching for realms unknown to their then-amateurish abilities and latent promise".

Sengkang Laryngeal consonants (a term often used interchangeably with guttural consonants) are consonants with their primary articulation in the larynx.

Their songs often featured guttural vomit-like sounds performed by Espinosa, that were one of Flema's trademarks.

guttural pouch diseases.

This bird has an cooing advertising call that consist of a loud, deep, guttural 'neah-ah, neah-ah, neah-ah, neah-ah or naw-aw, naw-naw or uh-wah, uh-wah, uh-wah.

In addition to drums, he shared lead vocals on the group's hit "Crazy Horses," a hard rock song that fit Jay's more guttural voice better than usual lead singers Merrill or Donny; he occasionally contributed lead vocals to other tracks, usually ones with a harder-driving sound, such as "One Way Ticket to Anywhere" and "Having a Party.

कण्ठ्य हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

कोडेक लिप्यन्तरण योजना में ब्राह्मी लिपि से व्युत्पन्न लिपियों की लिप्यन्तरण योजना के कुछ अवयव उपस्थित हैं, उदाहरण के लिए- कण्ठ्य नासिक्य के लिए ṅ का प्रयोग तथा मैक्रोन का प्रयोग।

| ग़ (/ ɣ or ʁ /)|| ग़ैर || घोष अलिजिह्वीय या कण्ठ्य संघर्षी || Voiced uvular or velar fricative || ग (/ g /)।

नासिक्य के साथ परिपूरक वितरण में मिलती हैं - न का उच्चारण कण्ठ्य ध्वनियों के।

|ख़ (/ x or χ /) || ख़ास || अघोष अलिजिह्वीय या कण्ठ्य संघर्षी || Voiceless uvular or velar fricative || ख (/ kh /)।

कंठ्य ध्वनियां /ख़/ अघोष कण्ठ्य संघर्षी और इसी का सघोष ध्वनि रूप /ग़/ है।

ख़ को भाषाविज्ञान के नज़रिए से अघोष कण्ठ्य संघर्षी वर्ण कहा जाता है (अंग्रेजी में इसे वाएस्लेस वेलर फ़्रिकेटिव कहते हैं)।

'ख़' की ध्वनि को विसर्ग में अघोष कण्ठ्य वर्णों से पहले उच्चारित किया जाता था।

| style'font-size:10pt;' | कण्ठ्य

| ख़ास || अघोष अलिजिह्वीय या कण्ठ्य संघर्षी ।

के साथ अ कण्ठ्य नासिक्य ध्वनि [ब्] है तो मूर्धन्य ध्वनियों के साथ ण, मूर्धन्य।

""| ख़ास || अघोष अलिजिह्वीय या कण्ठ्य संघर्षी ।

! || द्वयोष्ठ्य (Bilabial) || दन्त्यौष्ठ्य (Labio-dental) || दन्त्य (Dental) || वर्त्स्य (Alveolar) || पश्वर्त्स्य (Post-alveolar) || मूर्धन्य (Retroflex) || तालव्य (Palatal) || कण्ठ्य (Velar) || अलिजिह्वीय (Uvular) || उपालिजिह्वीय (Pharyngeal) || कण्ठच्छदीय (Epiglottal) || काकलीय (Glottal)।

| ग़ैर || घोष अलिजिह्वीय या कण्ठ्य संघर्षी ।

कण्ठ्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

" Insider described the song as "a gorgeous ballad" and stated that "this song has stood the test of time.

The village, almost completely abandoned more than a century ago, is a home to approximately 30 medieval fortified dwelling units arranged on vertical terraces above the Mutso-Ardoti gorge, four combat towers and ruins of several old structures and buildings.

Outside the tunnel, the area features spectacular gorges, caves and scenery.

In 2011, Time Magazine listed the book among the 100 All-TIME non-fiction books indicating that its "impressionist approach deepens the sense of memories relived through prose that is gorgeous, rich and full".

The city is situated on the Cerrado, high tableland intersected by deep gorges containing butte and mesa formations.

It means "bridge of the gorge".

Branksome Dene chine (a chine being the local name for a deep gorge caused by river erosion extending to the sea) is nearby and it was on a bridge across this chine (now gone) from which Winston Churchill fell when he was a child, breaking both legs and damaging his kidneys.

These settlements had a road network connecting cities such as Ulpiana and Skopje, part of the road connecting Macedonia to Dalmatia via Ferizaj and the gorge of Kaçanik.

One of the smaller peaks in the West Coast Range, the mountain comprises a large outcrop and rock face on its southern side above the King River Gorge just west of the Crotty Dam – parts of which are visible along the river gorge from the West Coast Wilderness Railway where it commences following the King River.

The dragon and his family gorge themselves on the fare at the feast, becoming quite drunk, which allows Hupasiyas to tie a rope around them.

|style"text-align: left;"|"In Thunderheart we get a real visual sense of the reservation, of the beauty of the rolling prairie and the way it is interrupted by deep gorges, but also of the omnipresent rusting automobiles and the subsistence level of some of the housing.

In Cold Blood (Jungle Records, 1987) which has been in print for over 25 years, was hailed by the New Musical Express as "gorgeously sordid".

Law noted that the model was "gorgeous, but couldn't say 'Hello' on film", and was eventually fired a week into filming.

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