कड़ी चर्बी Meaning in English
कड़ी चर्बी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fat
, hard fat
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
कड़ी लचीली हड्डी काकड़ी लचीली हड्डी
कठिन लड़ी
कडा स्लेटी या भूरा धातू
सख़्त पकड़
कड़े बालों वाला
सख्त काठिया फल
कठिनि जीव
कड़ा नासूर
कठिन तालू
मुश्किल तालू
कठिन प्रश्न
कड़े रवे
कठिन रोल
कड़ी-चर्बी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
When he was a child his father was led to death.
After 1278 they divided the inheritance of their father, whereupon Otto III was given sole possession of the domain of Plassenburg and the territory around Weimar.
This reached a peak in February 1515 when Margrave Casimir of Brandenburg-Kulmbach locked up his father, Margrave Frederick I of Brandenburg-Ansbach, in a tower room at Plassenburg from which he could not leave for 12 years.
Both Chávez's mother and father were local schoolteachers there.
His father, Hugo Sr.
|"[They moved to Sabaneta] and my father built a little house.
There, he would take fishing trips with his father; on days such as Easter, his family held picnics on the riverbank.
He particularly disliked political discussion with his father, who was then a member of the COPEI political party—indeed, his father would eventually rise to the position of Education Director of Barinas during the COPEI administration of Luis Herrera Campins.
He then reappears in a later novel, The Mysterious Island (1874), in which his fate, left unknown at the ending of the previous novel, is resolved, and during the course of which his character undergoes change and achieves a redemption.
Rubel's father, Henry "Heinz" Scott Rubel, had been an Episcopal priest and gag writer for Joe Penner, a radio comedian and movie star.
REgina astris (the Moon, ruler of human fate).
sports broadcaster Sky Sports inadvertently reported that Aberdeen had signed a Turkish footballer called "Yerdas Selzavon" (phonetically "your da (father) sells Avon", a reference to the direct-selling cosmetics company) after falling for a gag name on a fake Twitter account.
The protagonist's biological father is believed to be called "Naughtius Maximus", while a friend of Pontius Pilate is named "Biggus Dickus" and his wife's name is "Incontinentia Buttocks".