कठपुतली सरकार Meaning in English
कठपुतली सरकार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : puppet government
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कठपुतली का खेल दिखाने वालाकठपुतली बनाने की कला
पिल्ले देना
पिल्ला वसा
पिल्ला प्यार
पूरा महाराज
पुरल सिलाई
पुराण संग्रह
कठपुतली-सरकार हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
जिसमे जापान ने मंचूरिया पर आक्रमण कर वहाँ मांचुकुओ की कठपुतली सरकार स्थापित कर दी।
"" जापान ने एक कठपुतली सरकार की भी स्थापना की।
अंग्रेजों ने जल्द ही सुल्तान हमूद को सुल्तान की गद्दी पर बैठा कर वहां एक कठपुतली सरकार स्थापित कर दी।
अगस्त १९६५ की शुरुआत में, पाकिस्तान ने कश्मीर में स्थापित प्रशासन को उखाड़ फेंकने और एक कठपुतली सरकार को स्थापित करने के उपदेश्य से ऑपरेशन जिब्राल्टर की शुरुआत की।
1757 में प्लासी की लड़ाई में रॉबर्ट क्लाइव की जीत के बाद, ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने बंगाल में एक नए नवाब के रूप में कठपुतली सरकार स्थापित किया।
जापान ने नानकिंग में एक कठपुतली सरकार गठित कर दी और घोषणा की कि जापान का उद्देश्य चीन में एक मित्र सरकार की स्थापना है।
कठपुतली सरकार का खेल ख़त्म हो चुका था व कांग्रेस ने सरकार का गठन किया | बाबूजी को इस सरकार में कृषि मंत्रालय, सहकारी उद्योग व ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय में संसदीय सचिव के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया |।
कठपुतली-सरकार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
I-Kuan Tao also attracted a number of officials of the Japanese puppet government of Wang Jingwei.
In 1943, a puppet government, the Second Philippine Republic, was established, but gained little popular support, primarily due to the Imperial Japanese Army's brutal conduct towards the Philippine civilian population.
From 1944 to late 1945, a National Anti-fascist Liberation Council (Albanian: Këshilli Antifashist Nacional Çlirimtar) was formed by politicians opposing the Nazi puppet government.
Ljotić was later invited by the Germans to join the Serbian puppet government of Milan Aćimović and was offered the position of economic commissioner.
He resorted to indirectly exerting his influence over the Serbian puppet government through two of his closest associates whom the Germans had selected as commissioners.
Although they originally intended to make Ljotić the head of a Serbian puppet government, both Ljotić and the Germans realized that his unpopularity would make any government led by him a failure.
" The Germans soon invited Ljotić to join the initial Serbian puppet government, the Commissioner Administration of Milan Aćimović.
He resorted to indirectly exerting his influence over the Serbian puppet government through two of his closest associates, Stevan Ivanić and Miloslav Vasiljević, whom the Germans had selected as commissioners.
In October, Ljotić was forced to withdraw his two representatives in the Serbian puppet government in order to avoid being held responsible for the unpopular and difficult economic measures and food policies enacted by Nedić that month.
By this time Czechoslovakia no longer existed, as it had been divided into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the Slovak Republic under a fascist puppet government.
The concession was relinquished by Vichy France to a Japan-sponsored puppet government in China, and was formally returned to China by France in 1946.
The UK Government capitulates, with many hard line anti-Volgan MPs, Lords, and generals along with Prime Minister Shirley Brown being executed; a puppet government, under Prime Minister Simon Creepton, takes control for the puppet state of The People's Republic of Britain.
21st-century male singers While many nations boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow because of the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the country's pro-Soviet puppet government sent a team to Moscow.