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कंकड Meaning in English

कंकड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pebble
, gravel

कंकड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

These educational facilities required new gravel roads to be constructed to Benton, which encouraged families to move back to the town.

To the east and south-east, there are vast areas of sandy soil known locally as sand hills, some of which support a thriving silica sand and gravel industry.

The park had graveled walks, two timber structures – a pitched-roofed lychgate and a pergola – wooden benches, decorative iron lamp posts, and a central fountain, and was surrounded by a simple iron fence.

On the eastern bank of the Ivel just over the parish boundary are two lakes formed from disused sand and gravel pits.

It was her slave that tried to kill Akbar, after his return from hunting and moving towards Nizamuddin Dargah, but the arrow hit a soldier in his entourage instead, who was hurt, albeit not gravely.

Shaidu lies on the gravel and silt alluvial plain of the Indus River with at least 300 m of rock below.

Knowing that the aircraft was capable of being operated from grass landing strips, the pilot opted to continue the takeoff; however, after 400–500 yards and at an airspeed of 90-95"nbsp;mph the aircraft swung right and its course was obstructed by a tree which was hit by the left wing and a pile of gravel which was hit by the number 4 propeller.

The verrucae usually have bits of gravel and debris attached to them and the contracted anemone has the appearance of a rounded hummock of gravel.

Access is by tar road from Batoka (which is between Monze and Choma) and by of gravel road just outside Sinazeze Town.

In the process, water blasted away the alluvial gold-containing gravel and the gravel slush was channelled into rows of wooden sluice boxes and the gold ore collected.

In western Montana, a few males were present on the shores (of two gravel pits) by May 11, 1967, and by May 14, each pond contained at least 30 males.

In contrast to the rest of Greenland, the wider Narsaq area has a relatively extensive network of traversable dirt and gravel roads, totalling over 120 kilometers and requiring DKK 500,000 annually for service.

Sharp sand or coarse gravel will damage their whiskers.

कंकड हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

हिमालय की ऊँची पहाड़ियों से तरह तरह से अवसाद (बालू, कंकड़-पत्थर) अपने साथ लाती हुई ये नदी निरंतर अपने क्षेत्र फैलाती जा रही है।

जिसपर 'आर. रैम्बो' की इबारत पढ़कर रैम्बो मुस्कराता है और कंकड़नुमा ढलानवाले रास्ते उतरता है जिसके साथ फ़िल्म का क्रेडिट रोल शुरू होता है।

( iii ) सन्निघर्षण ( Attrition ):- हिमानी के साथ प्रवाहित होते हुए कंकड़ , पत्थर व शिलाखंड (शिलाखण्ड) आपस में भी रगड़ होने से खण्डित होते हैं एवं घिसते हैं।

दीवार बनाने की सामग्री को सीमाओं तक ले जाना एक कठिन कार्य था इसलिए मजदूरों ने स्थानीय साधनों का उपयोग करते हुए पर्वतों के निकट पत्थर की एवं मैदानों के निकट मिटटी एवं कंकड़ की दीवार का निर्माण किया।

""हिमानी निक्षेपात्मक स्थलरुप हिमानी के पिघलने पर उसके जलोढ़ निक्षेपों, विशेषकर बजरी, रेत, कंकड-पत्थर आदि के निक्षेपण से लम्बे, संकरे, लहरदार एवं किनारे तीव्र ढाल वाले टीलो को एस्कर कहते हैं।

यह कंकड़ के समान पीत वर्ण का होता है।

अधिकतर पक्षी छोटे कंकड़ खाकर अपनी पेषणी में होने वाली यांत्रि‍कीय प्रक्रिया में सहायता करते हैं।

हो सकता है कि छोटे-छोटे स्वच्छता मलजल प्रणालियों के लिए, कंकड़ कक्षों की जरूरत न पड़े, लेकिन बड़े-बड़े संयंत्रों में कंकड़ हटाव वांछनीय है।

प्लीनी द इल्डर के वर्णन के मुताबिक ककड़ियों को ढांचों और कंकड़ीघरों, जिन्हें 'स्पेकुलारिया' नाम के तेल से सने कपड़ों या सेलेनाइट (ए.के.ए. लैपिस स्पेकुलेरिस) की चादरों से चमकाया जाता था।

"" साधारणत: अन्न में धूल, कंकड, तृण आदि 4%, बाहरी अन्न के दाने 10%, (चावल में केवल 3%), टूटे दाने 10%, फफूंदीयुक्त दाने 1.5%, तथा कोटयुक्त दाने 6%, से अधिक नहीं होने चाहिए।

यह कंकड़ के समान पीत वर्ण का होता है।

पृथ्वी में होनेवाले इन कंपनों का स्वरूप तालाब में फेंके गए एक कंकड़ से उत्पन्न होने वाली लहरों की भाँति होता है।

इसका अधिकतर भाग एक शुष्क कंकड़-बजरी वाला मैदान है जिसमें जहाँ-तहाँ वादियाँ मिलती हैं।

कंकड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

To describe a pebble, Ponge starts at the beginning, literally, the beginning of time itself, diverging from his usual trend of descriptions and assertions.

Venturing through the "expulsion of life", "cooling", large tectonic plates, all the way down to the pebble itself, or the "kind of stone that I [Ponge] can pick it up and turn it over in my hand", the pebble comes to stand for rock as a species or entity.

This then can be taken as Ponge's view of humanity, as he himself in an essay on "The Pebble" compares looking within himself to telling the story of the pebble.

Fishing was conducted only outside the camp grounds, and the fish within camp were "so tame that if you threw a pebble in the water they will rush out at it, or perhaps drift slowly into the open to look you over.

It is an easy trail with standard hard-packed pebbles and dirt, with a few rock scrambles along the way.

The reactor core can be either a prismatic-block or a pebble bed reactor design.

The planned construction of the first VHTR, the South African pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR), lost government funding in February 2010.

The Chinese government began construction of a 200-MW high temperature pebble bed reactor in 2012 as a successor to its HTR-10.

The reactor core can be either a "prismatic block" (reminiscent of a conventional reactor core) or a "pebble-bed" core.

The population may decide to throw token pebbles at him or choose to hurt him by throwing large stones.

The Chinese style, called yunzi 雲子,云子, or 'cloud' also abbreviation for "Yunnan pebble", because they are normally flat underneath and convex on top.

" Despite Majlisi acknowledgment, criticism has remained about his approach with some critics suggesting that he has gathered both "pearls" and "pebbles".

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