ऐश्वर्य के साथ Meaning in English
ऐश्वर्य के साथ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : with glory
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
अच्छा विरासती वर्ण लिए हुएअच्छा हास्य से
अच्छे शकुन से
अच्छे उद्द्येश्य से
भव्यता के साथ
अत्यंत क्रोध से
बड़े प्रयास या विस्तार से
बड़े प्रताप से
प्रचंडता के साथ
बहुत खूबी के साथ
अत्यन्त दु:ख से
ललक के साथ
कूल्हों पर हाथ रखे हुए
कमर् पर हाथ रखे हुए
मदद से
ऐश्वर्य-के-साथ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Napoleon wrote, "My Foot and Horse Guard covered themselves with glory … The enemy seemed struck by a singular terror".
When upgrades to the hero"mdash;called "Levels" in this game"mdash;are purchased with glory, new technologies, upgrades, units, and advisors are unlocked.
Advisors"mdash;paid for with glory as well"mdash;provide civilization-specific benefits and bonuses to the player's army and economy.
Major of the 9th Dragoon Regiment, his conduct at Austerlitz gave him command of the 24th Dragoons, at the head of which he covered himself with glory in Spain at Molins del Rey, Valls, Vic, and Saguntum.
The magazine cited equestrian and fencing as the best events, and concluded that it "covers itself with glory from the familiar opening ceremony to the closing festivities.