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एकवचनीय Meaning in English

एकवचनीय शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : singular

एकवचनीय हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

ब्रजभाषा की अपनी रूपगत प्रकृति औकारान्त है अर्थात् इसकी एकवचनीय पुंलिंग संज्ञाएँ तथा विशेषण प्राय: औकारान्त होते हैं; जैसे खुरपौ, यामरौ, माँझौ आदि संज्ञा शब्द औकारांत हैं।

उद्गमन को 'कार्य करने का नियम' तथा वैज्ञानिक नियमों को $एकवचनीय प्रस्तावनाओं की योजनाएँ$ मानकर तार्किक अनुभववादी विज्ञान का वह संगत चित्र प्रस्तुत करता है जिसके अनुसार तत्ववैज्ञानिक परिकल्पनाएँ पूर्णतया बहिष्कृत हैं।

""ब्रजभाषा की अपनी रूपगत प्रकृति औकारान्त है अर्थात् इसकी एकवचनीय पुंलिंग संज्ञाएँ तथा विशेषण प्राय: औकारान्त होते हैं; जैसे खुरपौ, यामरौ, माँझौ आदि संज्ञा शब्द औकारांत हैं।

एकवचनीय इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The organisation is free to join and acts as a singular voice for football fans.

Watching Invincible was a singular experience for me, because it reminded me of the fundamental power that the cinema had for us when we were children.

He tells us that he was with Samson night and day for six years; the picture which he gives of his master, although coloured by enthusiastic admiration, is singularly frank and intimate.

Thus, the attributes, either singularly, or in conjunction with one of the others provides specific measurements on certain aspects of the engineering process.

As the ship passes near a quantum singularity, the Voyager crew detect a ship stuck in the singularity's event horizon.

However, after some time has passed, the crew finds themselves back at the singularity, and quickly realize the ship they are seeing is themselves from before.

The ship has become trapped in the singularity, and it is impacting several of the ship's systems.

Eventually, they discover a point in space where Voyager crossed into the singularity, but it has since shrunk, too small for Voyager to exit through.

Janeway takes Torres, who has knowledge of singularities, on a shuttle to the opening, using the shuttle's shields to expand the opening large enough for Voyager to pass through.

Voyager leaves the singularity safely and begins to effect repairs.

While at school, Thomas was distinguished for a singular openness of temper, a mild and generous disposition, with great personal courage and presence of mind.

Kaurna has 3 numbers: singular, dual (-rla, -dla) and plural (-rna).

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