ऋद्धि Meaning in English
ऋद्धि शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : increase
, growth
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पौधों की वृद्धि
बीभत्स पूस्र्ष
ऋद्धि इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He pioneered an innovative FCC Development Initiative to assist countries in the developing world to participate more fully in the global growth of digital technology.
By now, it is a widely accepted view to analogize Malthusian growth in Ecology to Newton's First Law of uniform motion in physics.
This led to rapid growth in the number of theatres and companies and complexities in their naming.
With growth came associated problems, and after two years at the Red Lion, Norwescon was forced to find a new location on short notice.
The growth of the railways in the area saw the development of Sebastopol and Griffithstown to house workers.
Consider next the necessary requirements for the appearance of lateral growth.
Researchers are uncertain how mutations in the HRAS gene cause the other features of Costello syndrome (such as mental retardation, distinctive facial features, and heart problems), but many of the signs and symptoms probably result from cell overgrowth and abnormal cell.
Patterns of interaction in the lexical growth in two languages of bilingual infants and toddlers.
Around 1850, the government of Chile began inviting German settlers to the colony to promote growth in the region; the settlers found Osorno's climate and geography to be very similar to their own.
With a growth in commuters there was a need to increase the number parking bays.
More recently, the company has been growing at 27% a year, compared to the industry's growth rate of 20%.
A history of the Bemba: Political growth and change in north-eastern Zambia before 1900.
ऋद्धि हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
बड़ा गणपती मन्दिर लालबाग, मल्हार आश्रम, बिजासन माता मन्दिर, अन्नपूर्णा देवी मन्दिर, यशवंत निवास, जमींदार बाडा, हरसिद्धी मंदिर, पंढ़रीनाथ, टाउन हॉल, अहिल्याश्रम, छत्रीबाग, माणिक बाग, सुखनिवास, फूटीकोठी, दुर्गादेवी मंदिर, इमामबाडा, श्री ऋद्धि सिद्धि चिन्तामन गणेश मंदिर आदि शामिल है।
"" इनमें मुख्य कवि चंदा झा, रघुनंवदनदास, लालदास, बदरीनाथ झा, दत्तबंधु, गणनाथ झा, सीताराम झा, ऋद्धिनाथ झा और जीवन झा हैं।
""४. जो अणिमा, लघिमा, आदि आठ ऋद्धियों के कारण आनंद से विहार करते हों, भले भावों में मग्न रहते हों तथा जिनके शरीर सदैव सतेज, कांतिमय और वीर्यवान् रहते हों उन्हें देव कहते हैं।
४. जो अणिमा, लघिमा, आदि आठ ऋद्धियों के कारण आनंद से विहार करते हों, भले भावों में मग्न रहते हों तथा जिनके शरीर सदैव सतेज, कांतिमय और वीर्यवान् रहते हों उन्हें देव कहते हैं।
इसलिए भगवान ने अपने शिष्यों को ऋद्धिप्रदर्शन करना नियमत: मना किया।
सूतजी बोले-देवी भागवत की कथा-श्रवण से भक्तों और श्रद्धालु श्रोताओं को ऋद्धि-सिद्धि की प्राप्ति होती है।
अतएव उनका अवधिज्ञान भवप्रत्यय और शेष पंचेंद्रियतिर्यच और मनुष्यों का क्षायोपशयिक अथवा गुण प्रत्यय है, अर्थात् तपस्या आदि गुणों के निमित्त से उन्हें प्राप्त होनेवाली यह एक ऋद्धि है।
""बड़ा गणपती मन्दिर लालबाग, मल्हार आश्रम, बिजासन माता मन्दिर, अन्नपूर्णा देवी मन्दिर, यशवंत निवास, जमींदार बाडा, हरसिद्धी मंदिर, पंढ़रीनाथ, टाउन हॉल, अहिल्याश्रम, छत्रीबाग, माणिक बाग, सुखनिवास, फूटीकोठी, दुर्गादेवी मंदिर, इमामबाडा, श्री ऋद्धि सिद्धि चिन्तामन गणेश मंदिर आदि शामिल है।
5 स्कंध, 12 आयतन, 18 धातुएँ, 4 सत्य, 22 इंद्रियाँ, 12 प्रतीत्यसमुत्पाद, 4 स्मृतिप्रस्थान, 4 सम्यक् प्रधान, 4 ऋद्धिपाद, 4 ध्यान, 4 अपरिमाण, 5 इंद्रियाँ, 5 बल, 7 बोध्यंग, 8 आर्यमार्ग के अंग तथा स्पर्श, वेदना, संज्ञा, चेतना, चित्त और अधिमोक्ष।
गणपति के दोनों ओर उनकी दोनो पत्नियां ऋद्धि और सिद्धि मौजूद हैं जो धन, ऐश्वर्य, सफलता और सभी मनोकामनाओं को पूर्ण करने का प्रतीक है।
कुछ लोग ऋद्धि प्राप्ति को धार्मिक साधना का लक्ष्य मानते थे।
20,600 ऋद्धि धारी मुनि।
पत्नी- दो (१) ऋद्धि (२) सिद्धि (दक्षिण भारतीय संस्कृति में गणेशजी ब्रह्मचारी रूप में दर्शाये गये हैं)।
ऋद्धि इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Steam engine increased labor productivity annually by 0.
A 2007 meta-analysis suggested when data of trials were combined, mortality was increased in people treated with cefepime compared with other β-lactam antibiotics.
The N-methylpyrrolidine moiety increases penetration into Gram-negative bacteria.
These factors increase the activity of cefepime against otherwise resistant organisms including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
As the index increases material stiffness the brittleness also increases, although the correlation is not linear.
No statistically significant increased risks of respiratory diseases have been found in studies.
This offered increased anti-armour effect but with obvious drawbacks in combat conditions.
The Marine Corps forces used existing infrastructure to create a partnership capacity site in Iraq designed to increase the capabilities of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).
The advent of the iced refrigerator car or "reefer" led to increases in both the amount of product carried and in the distances traveled.
As the market for agricultural goods outside the state's boundaries increased, the Santa Fe developed a massive fleet of refrigerator dispatch cars, and in 1906 the Southern Pacific joined with the Union Pacific Railroad to create the Pacific Fruit Express.
As has been previously discussed, the railroads were among the first to promote California tourism as early as the 1870s, both as a means to increase ridership and to create new markets for the freight hauling business in the areas they served.
Leland Stanford's term as Governor of California (while still serving on the SP's board of directors) enhanced the corporation's political clout, but simultaneously further increased its notoriety as well.
This control of the trans-Saharan trade routes allowed al-Mansur to increase Morocco's access not only to gold but also to slaves – on which the sugar processing industry relied and which were necessary to compete with the sugar trade coming from Brazil and the Caribbean (controlled by Europeans and also reliant on slaves).