उपस्पेस Meaning in English
उपस्पेस शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : subspace
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उपस्पेस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A filtered algebra over the field k is an algebra (A,\cdot) over k that has an increasing sequence \{0\} \subseteq F_0 \subseteq F_1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq F_i \subseteq \cdots \subseteq A of subspaces of A such that.
The relation \triangleleft, defined by \upsilon \triangleleft S if \upsilon is in the subspace spanned by S, is a dependence relation.
Write \mathfrak{g} \mathfrak{h} + L where L is a one-dimensional vector subspace.
Suppose that for each x \in M, we assign an n-dimensional subspace \Delta_x \subset T_x(M) of the tangent space in such a way that for a neighbourhood N_x \subset M of x there exist n linearly independent smooth vector fields X_1,\ldots,X_n such that for any point y \in N_x, span \{ X_1(y),\ldots,X_n(y) \} \Delta_y.
A generalized distribution, or Stefan-Sussmann distribution, is similar to a distribution, but the subspaces \Delta_x \subset T_xM are not required to all be of the same dimension.
CW complex) refers to the subspace Xn that is the union of the simplices of X (resp.
These subspaces increase with n.
When k is infinite, such a branched covering map can be constructed by taking a general projection from an affine space containing X to a d-dimensional subspace.
The theorem can be refined to include a chain of ideals of R (equivalently, closed subsets of X) that are finite over the affine coordinate subspaces of the appropriate dimensions.
The linear subspace of \mathcal D_m(M) consisting of currents with support (in the sense above) that is a compact subset of M is denoted \mathcal E_m(M).
It is possible to define several norms on subspaces of the space of all currents.
If f is the inclusion of a closed subspace X ⊆ Y then f∗ is exact.
b^{\pm}are the dimensions of the maximal positive and negative definite subspaces of H^2, so:.