उपदेश देने वाला Meaning in English
उपदेश देने वाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : preacher
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
उपदेश देनेवालाधर्म प्रचार करने वाला
ईसाई मत का प्रचारक
ईसई धर्म का प्रचारक
प्रचार करने वाले
प्रस्तावना करना
प्रस्तावना का
पहले से होना
पूर्वदर्शन करना
उपदेश-देने-वाला हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
64. श्रावक : बुद्ध से धर्मोपदेश सुनकर दूसरों को उपदेश देने वाला श्रावक है ।
"" नाट्यशास्त्र में भरतमुनि ने इसीलिए कहा है कि यह नाट्य तो ‘पंचमवेद’ है जिसमें कहीं धर्म है, कहीं क्रीड़ा, कहीं अर्थ, कहीं शान्ति...य़ह नाट्य-रस, भाव, कर्म तथा क्रियाओं के अभिनय द्वारा लोक में सबको उपदेश देने वाला है।
""‘कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र’ में ऐसी चर्चाओं को देखकर ही मुद्राराक्षसकार कवि विशाखादत्त चाणक्य को कुटिलमति (कौटिल्य: कुटिलमतिः) कहा है और बाणभट्ट ने ‘कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र’ को ‘निर्गुण’ तथा ‘अतिनृशंसप्रायोपदेशम्’ (निर्दयता तथा नृशंसता का उपदेश देने वाला) कहकर निन्दित बतलाया है।
‘कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र’ में ऐसी चर्चाओं को देखकर ही मुद्राराक्षसकार कवि विशाखादत्त चाणक्य को कुटिलमति (कौटिल्य: कुटिलमतिः) कहा है और बाणभट्ट ने ‘कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र’ को ‘निर्गुण’ तथा ‘अतिनृशंसप्रायोपदेशम्’ (निर्दयता तथा नृशंसता का उपदेश देने वाला) कहकर निन्दित बतलाया है।
उपदेश-देने-वाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Robert, a Welsh Presbyterian missionary, came to southern Manipur to as a gospel preacher.
" In another Seattle Times article, Driscoll is described as a "hipster preacher" who used "charisma and combativeness".
He was also a Methodist preacher.
Perkins was born in Como, Mississippi, the son of a Baptist preacher.
After graduation from North Side, Horace attended college at Texas A"M University for a year as a member of the class of 1938, and then began attending Texas Christian University (since four of his uncles were Methodist preachers) where he graduated in August 1939 with a bachelor's degree in physical education.
A form of exhortation which preachers and ministers shall move the people to join with them in prayer is given in the 55th canon of the Church of England (1603).
Polanco (surname) Many American universities and colleges experience regular visits from itinerant campus preachers who typically occupy a prominent on-campus location for a day or two before moving on to another school.
The latter came about as a result of the Conventicle Act of 1664 which forbade assembly of more than five persons for divine worship unless in a licensed meeting place and led by a licensed preacher.
A preacher in the Free-Will Baptist Connexion, and a member of the R.
He was a famous preacher and made some translations from Hebrew.
He began his studies in Sadiqpur in Bihar where he first came into contact with the revolutionary preacher Sayyid Ahmad Barelvi (1786–1831) in the 1820s.
Watson, an evangelical tent preacher from North Carolina and pastor of a large Christian and Missionary Alliance church in St.
In 1954 the "Volkskerk van Afrika (Translated- The nation's church of Africa)" was founded with BJE Appollis being the first preacher.