उत्प्रवास करना Meaning in English
उत्प्रवास करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to emigrate
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
आग्रह करनानौकर रखना
ख़ाली करना
जादू करना
जादू डालना
सामना करना
प्रोत्साहन देना
बढ़ावा देना
अवसान करना
खतरे में डालना
चेष्टा करना
उद्योग करना
अनुमोदान करना
पृष्ठांकन करना
कंदा करना
उत्प्रवास-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
बहुत से असंतुष्ट फ़ेलो को उत्प्रवास करना पड़ा और अधिकांश यहूदी और कम्युनिस्ट प्रोफेसरों ने जर्मनी छोड़कर नहीं छोड़ा था।
""1845 में बोहेमियन नागरिकों ने संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के लिए उत्प्रवास करना प्रारम्भ किया, और फिर 1848 में कुछ उग्र सुधारवादी और पूर्व पादरी भी अमेरिका चले गए, ये वो लोग थे जो एक संवैधानिक सरकार चाहते थे।
1845 में बोहेमियन नागरिकों ने संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के लिए उत्प्रवास करना प्रारम्भ किया, और फिर 1848 में कुछ उग्र सुधारवादी और पूर्व पादरी भी अमेरिका चले गए, ये वो लोग थे जो एक संवैधानिक सरकार चाहते थे।
उत्प्रवास-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Dempster was trying to provide employment for large number of people who were forced to emigrate from the Highlands to find work – a concern which Dale shared.
Citizens have the right to travel freely both within the country and abroad, to change their place of residence, to emigrate, and to repatriate voluntarily.
After the occupation of France by National Socialist Germany, Deutsch, who was Jewish, had to emigrate again, this time to the United States of America.
Under the stewardship of Rosensaft and Norbert Wollheim and Rafael Olewski, the Central Committee grew into an organization that lobbied the British on behalf of the DPs' political, social, and cultural aims, including the right to emigrate to British-controlled Palestine.
The refugees became socially and politically organized, advocating at first for their political and human rights in the camps, and then for the right to emigrate to the countries of their choice, preferably British-ruled Mandatory Palestine, the USA and Canada.
Some, but the number is not large, wish to emigrate to the United States where they have relatives, others to England, the British Dominions, or to South America.
However the stay was brief, on account of Samuel Ward participating in the "Jerry Rescue" on the first day of October in that year, leading him to emigrate in some haste to Canada, that November.
The fund succeeded in convincing a number of Iranian Zoroastrians to emigrate to India (where they are today known as Iranis), and may have been instrumental in obtaining a remission of the jizya poll tax for their co-religionists in 1882.
German Namibians tend to emigrate instead to South Africa.
Enthusiasm to emigrate to Turkey was inflated by the euphoria that greeted the birth of the newly established Republic of Turkey and later of promises of assistance to Turks who emigrated.
A decision made by the Turkish Government at the end of 1925, for instance, noted that the Turks of Cyprus had, according to the Treaty of Lausanne, the right to emigrate to the republic, and therefore, families that so emigrated would be given a house and sufficient land.
Members of his family decided the best thing for him to do as a young adult was to emigrate to the United States.
A requirement had been imposed on them by the Prussian government, that they must be accompanied by a pastor before being allowed to emigrate.