इधर उधर Meaning in English
इधर उधर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : here and there
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
इधर् उधरजहाँ तहाँ
यहाँ वहाँ
वंश परंपरा संबंधी
वंश संबंधी
वंशावली विषयक
वंशावली संबंधी
इधर-उधर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
जटासमूह से युक्त विशालमस्तक वाले श्रीहरि के क्रोधित हुए लाल आंखों की तिरछी नज़र से, विशाल जटाओं के बिखर जाने से रौद्र मुखाकृति एवं प्रचण्ड वेग से आक्रमण करने के कारण विचलित होती, इधर उधर भागती शत्रुसेना के मध्य तांडव (उद्धत विनाशक क्रियाकलाप) स्वरूप धारी भगवान् हरि शोभित हो रहे हैं।
"" जब हम गोलक को छोड़ते हैं तो गोलक इधर उधर झूलने लगता है।
(६९) पंजरचालन न्याय—दस पक्षी यदि किसी पिंजडे़ में बंद कर दिए जायँ और वे सब एक साथ यत्न करें तो पिजडे़ को इधर उधर चला सकते हैं।
""व्यापा था जल इधर उधर नीचे ऊपर ।
जब हम गोलक को छोड़ते हैं तो गोलक इधर उधर झूलने लगता है।
जिस प्रकार ठोस पेंच और लीड के हिसाब से चक्कर लगाने पर एक निश्चित फासला तय कर लेता है, पानी में चलनेवाला यह पंखेनुमा पेंच वैसा ही नहीं कर सकता, क्योंकि पानी तरल पदार्थ होने के कारण इधर उधर वह जाता है।
उनको स्कूल छोड़कर जीविका की तलाश में इधर उधर भटकना पड़ा।
Image:Mechanical Valentine 03.JPG|कार्ड के केन्द्र से चिपका हुआ एक ग्रोमेट कुत्ते की आँखों को इधर उधर घूमने में मदद करता है, नीले तीर को घुमाये जाने पर।
जो कार्य सहज में हो उसके लिये इधर उधर वहूत श्रम करने की आवश्यकता नहीं।
""गुम हो जाना और इधर उधर भटकना।
ऐसी सूचना थी कि इतने भारी झटके थे कि दीवारों से प्लास्टर और अलमारियों से चीजें निकलकर इधर उधर बिखर गईं थीं।
वे शिशु जो उत्पन्न होने के साथ ही घोंसला छोड़ देते और इधर उधर दौड़ने लगते हैं, नीड़त्यागी (nidifugous या nestquitting) कहलाते हैं और।
कभी कभी केचुए आँत से इधर उधर रेंगकर, यथा पित्तनली में घुसकर, उपद्रव करते हैं।
इधर-उधर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Occasionally, he would survey her work and add in a few lines here and there.
The board artist was not beholden to my work and could take liberties here and there.
The albums are structured as nearly seamless barrages of short songs woven into well-structured medleys that sound as though the band simply enters the studio and lays down virtually the entire album from start to finish in one go, with occasional overdubs and breaks in the action here and there.
The radiation is absorbed by the ionosphere and therefore can only be measured by satellites positioned at vast heights, such as the Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST).
Pinto, after realizing that he was facing a vast improved Cotto with deadly power in both hands decided he would have to box, keeping Cotto away using his long jab, it worked well for most of the third and fourth rounds however Cotto would occasionally slip in a combination here and there.
If a member changes here and there, it does not affect [the band] a bit….
they cuggeled him so black and blue and with axes they cut him asunder like a fish, the pieces they let lie naked here and there.
Despite the sections of wonders in the work, he takes pains to deny the belief in the existence of nations of monsters or malformed humans, saying the truth is "no such people do exist as nations, though there may be an individual monster here and there".
The celebration concluded with an "Alumni Band Roundup" at Eddie Deen's Ranch that evening, where hundreds of Woodrow alums ate, drank, and enjoyed each other while listening and dancing to music played by eight bands, each composed of Woodrow Alums (with a few ringers here and there) from various classes between 1960 and 2008.
Further evidence that suggests Roosevelt had seen the memos was his support of "pop-up" cruises, an elaboration upon Actions D and E of the eight recommended actions detailed in the memo: "I just want them to keep popping up here and there and keep the Japs guessing.
After D-Day, Paratroopers were issued complete M1943 uniforms, and infantry units began getting the uniform parts here and there.
This trend continued into the third week (20–26 January), but, by the fourth week (27–31 January), very few birds were found anywhere and there was no obvious tendency for more to be found in one area than another.
" He criticized the wandering-monster tables, as "Moonshae is designed as an adventure setting for characters of any level, and yet we have beholders and dragon turtles popping up here and there to devastate low-level adventurers".