आलपीन से नत्थी करना Meaning in English
आलपीन से नत्थी करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : laziness
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
आलस करनाआलस्य
आलस्य करना
आलस्य के साथ
आलस्य में
आलित दुर्व्यवहार
आलसी मनुष्य
एल सी
एल सी डी
आलपीन-से-नत्थी-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
His farm is fairly unproductive, due in part to Thompson's laziness and distaste for most of the required labor on a dairy farm, which he considers "women's work.
In some representations of the Middle Ages, the seven works were allegorically juxtaposed with the seven deadly sins (avarice, anger, envy, laziness, unchastity, intemperance, pride).
Some have pointed out a similarity between producerism and certain Christian "End Times" narratives that prophesize betrayal by trusted political and religious leaders, with many citizens drifting into laziness and sin.
It has been called the "modern national dish" by some, others claim it is "a piece of cardboard", "laziness in a box" and even "refrigerated evil".
Some women poisoned unwanted husbands based on their oppression, drunkenness or laziness, some because the wives had taken lovers, some because the husbands had returned home disabled from World War I.
The press had accused the "Patavini" players of laziness, and Soo's reputation as a stern taskmaster was seen as a good solution.
The team became known for its laziness despite being on camera the entire day.
During this period, there is a high risk of an adolescent dropping out of formal education (due most commonly to laziness, intellectual boredom, bullying, or rebellion) without having achieved their full learning potential.
She is upset at Henry’s laziness and lack of work ethic as she slaves around the farmyard.
Having been punished for laziness by their master, they ran away and became freebooters in the marshlands of the Euphrates.
In interviews, he reveals that this was born out of laziness and a reluctance to learn established chess opening theory.
He was expelled from school for laziness and misconduct.
Politicians and religious leaders argued that gin drinking encouraged laziness and criminal behavior.