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आनंददायकता Meaning in English

आनंददायकता शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pleasantness

आनंददायकता हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""पक्षियों कर रहे हैं पूरी तरह से काले: काले पंखों के साथ एक हरे आनंददायकता, काले पैर और toenails, दांत और जीभ, कंघी और wattles, काले मांस और हड्डियों और यहां तक कि अंधेरे अंगों. इस नस्ल भी पाया जाता है इंडोनेशिया में जहां यह जाना जाता है के रूप में अय Cemani.।

आनंददायकता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

AllMusic rated the album 4 out of 5 stars, praising Shri's melodic basslines and strong tabla rhythms, and concluded that "Several tracks go on a couple of minutes too long, and techno snobs will find its pleasantness objectionable.

This produced unpleasantness with the Reformed clergy, and feeling himself no longer safe he returned to Brussels.

He was interned and shipped to Australia in the HMT Dunera, a boat that became famous for the talent it brought to Australia and for the unpleasantness with which its human cargo was treated.

Next, Pierre revisits and chides Cincinnatus, as the once director did, for his lack of gratitude at everyone's pleasantness in the prison.

In Italian Hours (essays collected in 1909), Henry James observed the natural beauty of Ariccia and the pleasantness of the "little piazza".

As well as serving as a signpost for the various places to which the four roads lead, it incorporates biblical inscriptions, such as "Her ways are ways of pleasantness", etc.

Emotions — One may experience being short-tempered and feelings of unpleasantness.

Never a hint of unpleasantness.

He has kept me alive, and has brought me to the place of my desire for the good life and peace to see the pleasantness of God and to visit his sanctuary.

Sippel ruled that the high school officials did not show that the suspension "was caused by something more than a mere desire to avoid the discomfort and unpleasantness that always accompany an unpopular viewpoint.

First was the "unpleasantness" that occurred between Emerson's syndicated show and his transition back to KOTK's Hot Talk 1080.

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