आन लगाना Meaning in English
आन लगाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : put on
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
पर डालपर रखना
पर लगाना
बहादूरी का दिखावा करना
परोसने के लिये थाली में रखना
युध्दबन्दी बनाना
कुठौर रखना
किनारे पर रखना
छिपा हुआ माइक्रोफ़ोन लगाना
ऊंचे पर रखना
य़ाद रखना
लाज़ रख लेना
प्राथमिकता के आधार पर रखना
विक्रयार्थ रखना
मुकाबले पर रखना
आन-लगाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
However, at least some of the tracts were put on the market only after considerable time had passed, and the land improved well beyond its raw state.
In addition to the loss of their jobs, both were put on ecclesiastical trials to review their church membership.
On 17 March, the army reached Lake Ashangi, from their goal, and here, to further lighten their loads, the troops were put on half-rations.
He proposed that a price be put on Napoleon's head by public subscription, but found himself condemned by the British government.
One Year Later, Doctor Psycho is arrested and put on trial with Kate Spencer (Manhunter) as his defense attorney.
This forces Spencer to try to put on her uniform but she instead reveals herself to Doctor Psycho as Manhunter.
Psycho then makes Kate put on her suit, but drops his guard to sneak a kiss with her, resulting in him being stabbed in the stomach and head.
Palin said there was "absolutely no pressure ever put on Commissioner Monegan to hire or fire anybody, at any time.
To tell you that no pressure was ever put on anybody to fire anybody.
This traveling road show for soldiers was meant to counter USO shows put on by Bob Hope.
You could've raised a million dollars, put on your '100,000 flop, and kept the rest!" Max proposes a scheme:.
Thyristor-based controllers may utilise gate turn-off (GTO) thyristors, allowing the controller to not only decide when to switch the output on but when to turn it off, rather than having to wait for the waveform to return to zero.
In 1749, the composer George Frideric Handel wrote his Foundling Hospital Anthem, and put on annual performances of Messiah, to support an orphans' charity in London.