आगे देखना Meaning in English
आगे देखना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to be cautiou
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धोखा खानापकना
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प्रचलन में होना
मात खाना
बुरा लगना
पानी मरना
डूब जाना
काफ़ी होना
आगे-देखना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""अंत में, ट्वेंटी 20 का विकास कैसे होता है, यह आगे देखना है।
क्लॉड एस. जार्ज (claude S. Georgh) के अनुसार नियोजन आगे देखना है, भावी घटनाओं की संकल्पना करना है तथा वर्तमान में भविष्य को प्रभावित करने वाले निर्णय लेना है।
फरवरी २०१४ में, फाइगी ने कहा कि, एज ऑफ़ अल्ट्रॉन में ब्लैक विडो के अतीत की खोज के बाद, वह इसे एक एकल फिल्म में आगे देखना चाहेंगे, और पहले से ही इसके लिए विकास कार्य किया जा रहा था, जिसमें गार्जियंस ऑफ़ द गैलेक्सी (२०१४) की सह-लिखिका निकोल पर्लमैन द्वारा रचित 'बहुत गहन' हिस्से भी शामिल है।
आगे-देखना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
They were warned as youth to be cautious and not go near or they would surely die.
It also is important to be cautious of the activity of shrikes, in particular the southern fiscal, which, if they get into the chameleon-hunting habit, will rapidly strip a garden.
However, lawyers have highlighted problems with the operation of the New Zealand equivalent of TUPE and warned the government to be cautious in trying to exclude certain groups of employees.
However, researcher de Jong notes that, "Our work shows how these chemicals can activate T cells in tissue culture, but we have to be cautious about claiming that this is definitively how it works in allergic patients.
Researchers need to be cautious, however, and ensure that birds are not merely demonstrating the ability to subitize, or count a small number of items quickly.
The brief period remaining before the close of the term of the Court rendered it necessary to proceed as expeditiously as practicable, and to be cautious about granting delays.
Through several tense events, he displays his most obvious inclinations to be cautious, greedy, and loving.
On February 3, 2005, the Saanich Police Department issued an alert warning the public to be cautious of the recently released Jordan:.
Madraiwiwi called on both parties to be cautious and responsible in their dealings with each other.
The hurricane's outer fringes produced swells along the Texas coast, and swimmers were advised to be cautious because of hazardous conditions.
However, Kronprinz Wilhelm's commander chose to be cautious, and believing it to be a trap, steamed away without attacking the severely damaged Carmania.