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अलचकदार Meaning in English

अलचकदार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sympurised
, flexible

अलचकदार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

"Carapace enveloping the thoracic region; movably stalked eyes; biramous first antenna; scale-like exopod on the second antenna; natatory exopods on the thoracic limbs; elongate, ventrally flexible abdomen; tail fan formed by the lamellar rami of the uropods on either side of the telson.

vehicle building into a flexible manufacturing floor.

Provide flexible learning goals .

The second declaration dealt with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and allow government to be flexible of TRIPS to deal with health problems.

It was followed by a somewhat similar device for the MP/18/I submachine gun—this consisted of a 60-round circular, spool magazine that was carried by the soldier on loop on his hip and it was connected to the gun by a flexible hose.

As part of their flexible addressing policy, anyone may now include "Lancashire" as part of their address.

In politics, new workplace legislation may be introduced to strengthen the family unit through giving parents more flexible family-friendly working hours or educational reforms to helping children with special needs and to give parents more control over how they are schooled.

Armament consisted of three machine guns, one fixed firing forwards and controlled by the pilot, the others being in flexible defensive mounts for use by the navigator and bombardier.

Left-handed pizzicato is generally less flexible pitch-wise than the right-handed technique, but allows the right hand to either stay where it is or simultaneously play, a technique composer and violinist Niccolo Paganini was renowned for.

The armor is composed of ossified dermal scutes covered by nonoverlapping, keratinized epidermal scales, which are connected by flexible bands of skin.

CIT is a flexible method that usually relies on five major areas.

5 MPa) was supplied to the nozzles by flexible hoses.

अलचकदार हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

रमन स्कैटरिंग अलचकदार स्कैटरिंग का एक उदाहरण है क्योंकि फोटोनों तथा अणुओं की प्रतिक्रिया के दौरान ऊर्जा स्थानांतरित होती है।

"" यह एक रंग के प्रकाश (मोनोक्रोमेटिक लाईट) के, आम तौर पर इन्फ्रारेड या पराबैंगनी रेंज के पास लेज़र से दिखाई देने वाले अलचकदार स्कैटरिंग (बिखराव) या रमन बिखराव (रमन स्कैटरिंग) पर आधारित है।

यह एक रंग के प्रकाश (मोनोक्रोमेटिक लाईट) के, आम तौर पर इन्फ्रारेड या पराबैंगनी रेंज के पास लेज़र से दिखाई देने वाले अलचकदार स्कैटरिंग (बिखराव) या रमन बिखराव (रमन स्कैटरिंग) पर आधारित है।

स्वाभाविक रमन बिखराव (रमन स्कैटरिंग) आम तौर पर बहुत कमजोर होता है और इसी कारण रमन वर्णक्रमीयता (स्पेक्ट्रोस्कोपी) में मुख्य कठिनाई प्रचंड रेले स्कैटर्ड लेज़र प्रकाश में से कमज़ोर अलचकदार स्कैटर्ड लेज़र प्रकाश को अलग करना है।

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