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अर्द्धन्यायिक Meaning in English

अर्द्धन्यायिक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : quasi-judicial

अर्द्धन्यायिक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""ऐफिडेविट का इस्तेमाल कोर्ट में भी हो सकता है और अर्द्धन्यायिक संस्था में भी।

इसके अंतर्गत अर्द्धन्यायिक जांच प्रक्रिया के दौरान उल्लंघन सिद्ध होने की स्थिति में संबंधित व्यक्ति/फर्म/ईकाई के ऊपर संलिप्तन राशि के तीन गुना तक की राशि का आर्थिक दण्ड लगाया जा सकता है।

ऐफिडेविट का इस्तेमाल कोर्ट में भी हो सकता है और अर्द्धन्यायिक संस्था में भी।

अर्द्धन्यायिक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The BCUC has quasi-judicial responsibilities, and may make legally binding rulings (subject to court appeal).

Herron served as president of the Atlantic Centre for Energy from 2008 to 2013 before being appointed by the provincial Progressive Conservative government to a full-time position on the quasi-judicial Energy and Utilities Board for a term of ten years.

The review of ongoing involuntary treatment may be conducted by the hospital, the courts, or a quasi-judicial body, depending on the jurisdiction.

But this form of divorce is only quasi-judicial at best, so it falls outside the normal rules.

It also considers appeals on a judicial and quasi-judicial cases of various kinds, such as matters relating to the legality of Knesset elections and disciplinary rulings of the Bar Association.

Cartwright went on to argue that even if the commission were to be considered quasi-judicial, in which case procedural fairness guarantees would apply, that still would not entitle the plaintiff to monetary damages.

) The Tenant Protection Act both repealed the Rent Control Act and removed the dispute resolution process of the Landlord Tenant Act, including evictions and rent increases, from the Ontario court system and assigned jurisdiction to a newly created quasi-judicial body, the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal.

When executing duties with regard to revenue collection, the DC can exercise quasi-judicial functions.

There are also a number of specialised tribunals which operate in a judicial or quasi-judicial capacity, such as the Disputes Tribunal, the Tenancy Tribunal and the Waitangi Tribunal.

These entities are quasi-judicial and have substantial powers like that of a Civil Court to summon and enforce attendance or require discovery and production of documents on affidavit or otherwise.

This latter is a limited list, including quasi-judicial decisions on planning and licensing, and certain ceremonial, employment and legal decisions.

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