अपशब्द कहना Meaning in English
अपशब्द कहना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to abuse
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
मंजूर करनासकारना
स्वीकार करना
जगह देना
संपादन करना
से उत्पन्न होना
संचय करना
अभियोग लगाना
अंगीकार करना
हासिल करना
दोषमुक्त करना
अभिनय करना
पार्ट अदा करना
के लिए गौरव का काम करना
अपशब्द-कहना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Santillán had established the Tasa de Santillán, which regulated Indian servitude, permitting many Spaniards to abuse the Indigenous.
However, this method was often subject to abuse in order to quickly earn promotions.
O [] as in Scottish pronunciation of bone (French eau): aimor----- to insult, to abuse.
In the Middle Ages, entertainments such as dramatic representations of the saint or the event celebrated were added to vigils, but these were open to abuse.
Despite the lack of evidence and criticism concerning the allegations made in Michelle Remembers, there are still people who believe that Smith’s claims of abuse are true, and are evidence of a worldwide intergenerational satanic conspiracy to abuse and sacrifice human beings.
As a result of these rules it is possible to abuse them by holding a pompf just above a person waiting to rise.
Owing to abuses and complaints the Council of Trent limited their jurisdiction, but new controversies, often recurring, caused popes Clement VIII, Gregory XV, and Innocent X to define their privileges more precisely.
The film followed Colm O'Gorman as he investigated the story of how Fortune was allowed to abuse him and countless other teenage boys.
On February 23, 2017, Dulce María joined the ambassador, along with Juan Pablo Manzanero and singer Kalimba, to the campaign of the Christian aid organization World Vision International, which helps to change the reality of Latin American children subjected to abuse and violence in all its forms.
A person with multiple functional roles has the opportunity to abuse those powers.
Start with a function that is indispensable, but potentially subject to abuse.
admitted to having "spanked" Sylvia on one occasion, adding that "most of the time, I used my fists" to abuse her.