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अन्यजातियों Meaning in English

अन्यजातियों शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : other species
, gentiles

अन्यजातियों इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

both provided for the salvation of gentiles, (Joseph provided a physical salvation in preparing for the famine, while Christ provided the deeper spiritual salvation).

After that miracle, the Jews of Amêdî were not harassed by the gentiles for a long time.

Thomas Aquinas (Summa contra gentiles, quaestio 45).

In 1964, the state of Israel proclaimed Dom Bruno Reynders one of the "Righteous Among the Nations", an honor bestowed on gentiles who risked their lives to help Jews during the Holocaust.

Professor Samuel Krauss in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia suggests that the alabarch was the leader of the Jews in Alexandria, and would have been called "ethnarch" by gentiles including Strabo.

On one such occasion, she went to Amêdî where she convinced the Jews to celebrate Rosh Hodesh, the new moon, outdoors, as had been their custom before they were threatened by hostile gentiles.

Jesus speaks with the Pharisees and scribes, and then with his disciples, about defilement, and then heals two gentiles.

While it might be seen as implying that gentiles, in comparison to Jews, are rude and defecate on the road, it is worth noting that Jewish law has strong injunctions of modesty and cleanliness, including strict injunctions against open or public urination or defecation.

Student has written defending the Talmud against those who claim that it defames gentiles or Jesus.

Known for his piety and mysticism, Rokeach was called the "Wonder Rabbi" by Jews and gentiles alike for the miracles he performed.

Pikuach nefesh applies to Jews and gentiles whose lives are in danger alike, but not to animals whose lives are in danger.

Also called for the prohibition of the use of sectarian books and for the collection of statistics of the number of so-called gentiles and Mormons attending and teaching in the schools.

अन्यजातियों हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" नौ साल की उम्र में जब अन्यजातियों को हड्डी का कैंसर हुआ, तो उनका दाहिना पैर निकालना पड़ा था।

1983 में, हड्डी रोग अस्पताल में रोगियों के लिए विकलांग स्कीइंग चिकित्सा प्रदान करने के लिए प्रस्तावित परियोजना पर काम करने के लिए अन्यजातियों का चयन किया गया था ।

ओलंपिक आयोजन से पहले एक स्कीयर के बाहर हो जाने के बाद, रिक्त स्थान को भरने के लिए अन्यजातियों को चुना गया था।

अन्यजातियों इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The mouth openings of all the other species are smaller, and do not protrude as in V.

All other species, with the stark exception of V.

The bear species most commonly farmed for bile is the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus), although the sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), brown bear (Ursus arctos) and every other species are also used (the only exception being the Giant Panda which does not produce UDCA).

Yet another species, the fair brocket (M.

Other common names are sweet verbena tree, sweet verbena myrtle, (lemon scented verbena is another species), and lemon scented backhousia.

Some examples are koi, goldfish, weather loaches, hillstream loaches, many species of barbs, sunfish of the family Centrarchidae, many Central American cichlids, and a variety of other species.

Ashton Nichols has recently argued that the historical dangers of a romantic version of nature now need to be replaced by "urbanatural roosting", a view that sees urban life and the natural world as closely linked and argues for humans to live more lightly on the planet, the way virtually all other species do.

He advocated "total war against humanity" due to the threat humanity posed to other species.

Vagrants which have occurred include seabirds such a Leach's petrel and Northern gannet, as well as squacco heron, black-crowned night heron American wigeon, black-winged pratincole, killdeer and a variety of other species, mostly associated with wetlands.

Woodpecker finches, like many other species of birds, form breeding pairs and care for young until they have fledged.

Although their tongues are quite short, they have a relatively long bill compared to other species of Darwin's finches.

However, this is not always possible, and it has been known for companionship bonds to develop between horses and cats, goats and other species.

Expression of the gene MIXTA, or its analogue in other species, later in the process of cellular differentiation will cause the formation of conical cells over trichomes.

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