अनुयायी Meaning in English
अनुयायी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : adherent
, follower
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
समेरियाई धार्मिक रीति का अनुयायी
उप्रयुक्त पद्धति क अनुयायी
संगीत यंत्रों का शौकीन
अनुयायी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
However, perhaps pushed by more traditional parties among his followers, in 749 he invaded the Pentapolis and besieged Perugia.
Mirambo used both warfare and diplomacy to expand his numbers of followers and the domains he dominated.
Krishna, always ready to remove the ego of his followers, meekly submitted to this drama.
Its stated mission is to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
1856: Tianjing incident: The Taiping rebellion East King Yang Xiuqing attempts to take control of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom from Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan but he and his followers are killed.
This practice had been in vogue since the establishment of postal and telegraph services, and was frequently used in France by the ministers of Louis XIII and his followers as the cabinet noir (French for "black room").
A comparison with Carlo Sellitto shows how well the more gifted of Caravaggio's followers absorbed not only the superficial tricks of style but the underlying ethos as well, to the point of becoming virtually indistinguishable from the work of the master.
By the end of the 1970s Jensen also had followers in Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas.
In the episode The Fifth Horseman, Fabian Cortez (at that point a follower of Apocalypse) creates the Hounds rather than Horsemen.
Although the greatest numbers of Afro-Guyanese are Christian, there are also followers of obeah, a folk religion of African origin, which incorporates beliefs and practices of all the immigrant groups.
He won over followers by offering free consultations and performing purported miracle cures with simple herbs and acupuncture, and preaching at street corners and canal intersections.
Jesus has just told his followers not to worry about material things such as food or clothing, as God will provide the needs of his followers.
Natural disasters in Ottoman Syria The Ashtiname of Muhammad, also known as the Covenant or Testament (Testamentum) of Muhammad, is a document which is a charter or writ written by Ali and ratified by Muhammad granting protection and other privileges to the followers of Jesus the Nazarene, given to the Christian monks of Saint Catherine's Monastery.
अनुयायी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
जैन जैन धर्म के अनुयायी हैं जो धार्मिक निष्ठा के उन चौबीस प्रवर्तकों द्वारा बताया गया जिन्हें तीर्थंकर कहा जाता है।
(2) स्टेनर के अनुयायी, जिनमें स्मिथ, वैरट, क्रॉसहिल, नोरेस आदि हैं और।
बौद्ध धर्म मानवी मूल्यों तथा आधुनिक विज्ञान का समर्थक है और बौद्ध अनुयायी काल्पनिक ईश्वर में विश्वास नहीं करते है।
बौद्ध धर्म के अनुयायी अष्टांगिक मार्ग पर चलकर न के अनुसार जीकर अज्ञानता और दुःख से मुक्ति और निर्वाण पाने की कोशिश करते हैं।
"" उनके भजनों तथा उपदेशों से लोगों को ऐसी शिक्षा मिलती थी जिससे उनकी शंकाओं का सन्तोषजनक समाधान हो जाता था और लोग स्वतः उनके अनुयायी बन जाते थे।
परंतु इसके अनुयायी अधिकांशत: व्यक्तिगत ईर्ष्या तथा द्वेष से प्रेरित थे।
"" ये भाई बहन प्रारंभ से ही क्रांतिवाद के अनुयायी बनते गए।
हालांकि, यह एक अतिसंवेदनशीलता है जिसमें तमांग और गुरुंग शामिल हैं जिनमें कई समूह बौद्ध हैं; किरणती समूह जिनमें राय और लिंबू शामिल हैं, मुंडम के बड़े पैमाने पर एनिमिस्ट अनुयायी हैं (ये बाद के समूह मुख्य रूप से पूर्वी भूटान में पाए जाते हैं)।
बौद्ध धर्म देश का प्रमुख धर्म है और जापान की जनसंख्या में ९६% बौद्ध अनुयायी है।
लेकिन इन विपरीतताओं के होते हुए भी आर्यभट का गंभीर प्रभाव परवर्ती ज्योतिर्विदों और गणितज्ञों पर बना रहा जो उनके अनुयायी थे, विशेषकर अश्मक विद्यालय के विद्वानों पर।
उषस् के रथ को उसने भंग किया, सूर्य के रथ का एक चक्र उसने चुराया, अपने अनुयायी मरुतों को उसने मार डालने की धमकी दी।
ले टीबिंग, पवित्र ग्रेल का एक उत्साही खोजी निकलता है, जो यह मानता है कि वास्तव में, ग्रेल कोई कप नहीं है, बल्कि मेरी मेग्डेलेन है जिसे इसलिए भगा दिया गया था क्योंकि यीशु के अनुयायी, अपने नेता की हत्या के बाद एक औरत का अनुगमन नहीं करना चाहते थे।
आक्लीव, लिडगेट, हॉज, बार्कले और स्केल्टन जैसे अंग्रेज अनुयायियों से कहीं अधिक शक्तिशाली स्कॉटलैंड के अनुयायी राबर्ट हेनरीसन, विलियम डनबर और जेम्स प्रथम थे, क्योंकि उन्होंने अपनी बोली, अपनी भूमि के प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य और अनुभूतियों की सच्चाई का अधिक ध्यान रखा।
अनुयायी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Paradoxically, the father of German nationalism and convinced adherent of the balance of power theory, appears to be the path-breaker.
One Nation Conservatism, as influenced by Disraeli and epitomised in leaders such as Balfour, favoured social cohesion, and its adherents support social institutions that maintain harmony between different interest groups and classes.
When adherents refer to the Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve, his name is usually prefaced by the [title Annie Harrison may refer to:.
Its adherents claimed the Pact was aimed at preserving Venezuelan democracy by respecting elections, having the winners of the elections consider including members of the signing parties and others in positions of power in bids for national unity governments, and having a basic shared program of government.
Being a left-wing student publication also put Honi at the forefront of the civil rights movement in Australia, with editorial content often directed towards defending the rights of Women, people of colour, LGBT people, and adherents of communism, at times when such views were still widely controversial.
He was also the founder of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran, that was established after the need for a more transparent party was felt by its adherents.
He is Malay by ethnicity and an adherent of Sunni Islam.
The same year, another wooden tower was erected on the plot, designed and built by the palace architect Krikor Balyan, which was again set on fire by adherents of the Janissaries.
In the 1980s, inspired by the Reform movement's first kibbutz, Yahel, a group of students affiliated with the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City decided to establish a kibbutz for adherents of Conservative Judaism.
He took the name Gregory Peter (Grégoire-Pierre; Armenian: Krikor Bedros) and became the 15th patriarch of the Armenian Catholic Church, which had some 100,000 adherents.
King John is killed by Clemens and Clemens dies of a heart attack after being pulled from the water by his mortal enemy Erik Bloodaxe, who has become an adherent of the Church of the Second Chance, and seeks no revenge against Clemens.
Local municipalities of the Namakwa District Municipality The International New Thought Alliance (INTA) is an umbrella organization for New Thought adherents "dedicated to serving the New Thought Movement’s various branches, organizations and individuals".
Peripheral blood smears show anisomacrocytosis with many bacilli adherent to red blood cells.