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अनुचित्र Meaning in English

अनुचित्र शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pictorial

अनुचित्र हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""जिस्ट (अनुचित्र एवं मेधा आधारित वर्णमाला प्रौद्योगिकी) आधारित बहुभाषी संगणन प्रौद्योगिकी और समाधान तथा सॉफ्टवेयर और हार्डवेयर उत्पादों की एक श्रृंखला का विकास।

अनुचित्र इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Her pictorial was photographed by Peter Basch.

There are other empirical findings, however, that cannot be so easily dismissed which provide strong support for the idea that skilled actions such as grasping are not affected by pictorial illusions.

Victorian productions of Shakespeare often sought pictorial effects in "authentic" historical costumes and sets.

As the artist explains, "the pictorial nucleus begins to grow and you work until the whole surface has an expressive intensity equivalent to what you have before you, converted into a pictorial reality.

Rotenberg appears in a pictorial section between pages 106 and 107, standing between Grossman and Timbrell as the latter accepts a Grossman button.

It was about this time that the increase in international tourism convinced many that only a pictorial symbol language could be understood by all.

However, whilst id Software chose a somewhat generic, male pictorial representation of the Marine for the box art, as well as gameplay purposes (damage feedback, story transitions), the true identity of the Doom Marine is meant to be the player themselves and so these depictions should only be considered illustrative.

Later, she achieved greater exposure in a nude pictorial for Playboy magazine's December 1997 issue.

The pictorial representation of the works of mercy began in the 12th century.

Death at the age of 30 will dictate the abrupt end of a fully mature pictorial work and a promising international career but still in the process of affirmation.

Her pictorial was titled "Wholly Toledo!" because of Myers' hometown and large breasts.

Their language originally was pictorial, and as such it was descriptive by nature.

Ministry of Defence (India) Chroniclers of the musical theater have been around for years, collecting pictorial surveys, librettos and scores, and recording the careers of various theatrical celebrities.

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