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अनुकंपी Meaning in English

अनुकंपी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : compassionate
, harmonic

अनुकंपी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

An oscillator that is not oscillating in harmonic motion is known as an anharmonic oscillator where the system can be approximated to a harmonic oscillator and the anharmonicity can be calculated using perturbation theory.

There are three discs dedicated to his music on the Albany Records label: "Sejong Plays Ewazen" with the International Sejong Soloists, "Orchestral Music and Concertos" with the Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra conducted by Paul Polivnick, and "Bass Hits," a collection of concert pieces for bass trombone and various ensembles.

In 2003, Mácal was appointed chief conductor of the Czech Philharmonic.

Vladimir Jurowski conducted the London Philharmonic Orchestra with the Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir and the Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatory.

He has conducted orchestras and ensembles including the Queensland Symphony, Queensland Philharmonic, Opera Queensland, Queensland Ballet, Adelaide Symphony and the West Australian Symphony.

When it comes to the higher harmonics, a number of intervals are still matched quite well, but some are tempered out.

John Beck – vocals, tambourine, harmonica.

Paul Banks – guitars, keyboards, harmonica.

Players of the Vienna Philharmonic.

Comparing -e\varphi(r) to the energy of a harmonic oscillator, one can read off.

or, combining this with the result from the quantum harmonic oscillator for the root-mean-square displacement.

The album was entitled "King Of Powerpop," which included artwork by famed artist Bill Stout in addition to a guest performance by Wally Palmar, vocalist and harmonica player from The Romantics and Ringo Starr " His All-Starr Band.

Edward Erwin - New York Philharmonic, retired.

Bob Weston – lead guitar, slide guitar on track 1, banjo and harmonica on track 5, harmony vocals on track 7.

Dave Walker – vocals on tracks 4 and 5, harmonica on track 4.

अनुकंपी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

जैसा ऊपर बताया गया है, अनुकंपी और परानुकंपी विभागों की क्रियाएँ एक दूसरे से विरुद्ध हैं।

अनुकंपी शृंखला करोटि गुहा से श्रोणि गुहा तक कशेरुक दंड के दोनों ओर रहती है तथा इसमें कई गुच्छिकाएँ (ganglions) रहती हैं।

अनुकंपी तंत्र के दो भाग हैं, एक कपाल (क्रेनियल) भाग और दूसरा त्रिक्‌ (सैक्रल) भाग।

परानुकंपी तंत्रिकातंत्र का कार्य साधारणत: अनुकंपी का उल्टा होता है, जैसा आगे चलकर दिखाया गया है।

इसके भी दो भाग हैं, एक अनुकंपी (sympathetic) और दूसरा परानुकंपी (parasympathetic)।

अनुकंपी तंत्र के अतिरिक्त भी कुछ अन्य तंत्रिकाओं में ऐसी ही रचना होती है, अर्थात्‌ दो न्यूरोन पाए जाते हैं, जो अनुकंपी की ही भाँति उत्तेजना का संवहन और वितरण करते हैं।

अनुकंपी तंतुओं में संवहन केवल अंगों की ओर होता है।

अनुकंपी और सहानुकम्पी गतिविधि का मूल दर लगातार धमनी तंतुओं द्वारा संशोधित होता रहता है, इसलिए आराम की अवस्था में वयस्क मानव का औसत हृदय गति दर 70 धड़कन प्रति मिनट होता है।

भय, क्रोध, उत्तेजना, आदि का शरीर पर प्रभाव मस्तिष्क द्वारा अनुकंपी तंत्रिकातंत्र के नियंत्रण से पड़ता है।

* अनुकंपी तंत्रिकातंत्र (sympathetic) और।

सौषुम्नीय और अनुकंपी तंत्रिकाओं में यही विशेष भेद है कि प्रथम प्रकार की तंत्रिकाओं में एक ही न्यूरोन होता है जो उत्तेजना को सुषुम्ना से अंतिम स्थान तक पहुँचाता है।

"" यह खासकर उन व्यक्तियों को होता है जो स्वभाव से उद्वेगी और सिंपैथिटिकोटोनिक (sympatheticotonic) होते हैं और बाहिकाप्रेरक (vasomotor) अभिक्रिया में अस्थिरता तथा अनुकंपी और परानुकंपी (parasympathetic) तंत्रों में संतुलन का अभाव प्रदर्शित करते हैं।

फेफड़े के शीर्ष में ट्यूमर जिनको पैनकोस्ट ट्यूमर कहा जाता है, अनुकंपी तंत्रिका तंत्र के स्थानीय भाग में दाखिल हो सकता है जिससे कि हॉर्नेस सिंड्रोम हो जाता है (आँख की पुतली और उस ओर की छोटी पुतली का गिरना), साथ ही ब्रैकिएल प्लैक्सेस में क्षति होना।

अनुकंपी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

| Released on compassionate grounds in December 2013 due to terminal cancer.

| Released on compassionate release in July 2020 due to several medical issues including multiple strokes and a diagnosis of early Parkinson’s disease.

He is dependable and compassionate, and has changed throughout the run of the series.

First established in 1997, Community Development Councils (CDCs) were formed to help build a more cohesive, compassionate and self-reliant society.

He is depicted as compassionate to his fellow survivors, working to save the child Theo, and to save the damned in Hell.

He kept his place for the majority of the season as Town reached the Championship play-offs, but was left out of the team for compassionate reasons following the death of his father in August 2015.

TTC's mission is to inspire, educate, and empower young women and men, foster partnerships between the genders, generations and cultures, and support youth to take thoughtful actions for a just, compassionate, and sustainable world.

Sanctuary drew on many aspects of Christian theology, but was centered on compassionate concern for those fleeing violent civil wars raging in Guatemala and El Salvador, but who met with routine deportation in the United States.

Bennett was given early release on 26th May 2020 on compassionate grounds due to health concerns during the Covid crisis at the age of 71.

Due to her compassionate nature, Ann soon had a collection of stray and injured animals on the farm.

"Everyone was too quiet, too compassionate towards children.

Nice guy, a man who portrays himself with characteristics such as being gentle, compassionate, sensitive and vulnerable.

Vukovic agreed to end his contract with Victory after one season on compassionate grounds in July 2016.

अनुकंपी Meaning in Other Sites