अधोलोक Meaning in English
अधोलोक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : underworld
, hell
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नरक तुलानरक स्थापना
नारकीय ढंग से
नर्कत का
नरक वास
सहायता केंद्र
सहायता सीढ़ी
सहायता स्टेशन
अधोलोक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Coachella Valley Loiyangalani is a small town located on the southeastern coast of Lake Turkana in Kenya.
Mitchell, designer of the Spitfire.
Michelle is Washington State's oldest winery, located in Woodinville, Washington, near Seattle.
They explain to Fry that he and Michelle were actually only frozen for two days.
However, she dumped him after he made a pass at new barmaid Michelle Connor (Kym Marsh).
The centenary of the town was celebrated in 1939 marking 100 years since Major Mitchell's sighting of the area.
Michelle Trachtenberg as Tricia.
She subsequently appeared in numerous stage productions, including a six-month run in a National Theatre production of Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood directed by Roger Michell.
The original Mitchell FC Fox Grandeur 70mm studio camera is an enlarged version of the late 1920s Mitchell Standard 35mm Studio Camera.
Barrett titled "Shell Game" reported that Chapin and his wife Elizabeth are accused of spending the money raised by their non-profit organizations to fund their own lifestyles, vehicles, and real estate investments—rather than to benefit troops or wounded veterans at the 97% efficiency rate that the charity claims.
Teresa Kirby (TBA) - is a female girl that appears in the episode "Shell Game".
Upon his II Corps being shelled when they approached the Confederate line, Humphreys attacked the Confederate position bringing on the Battle of Cumberland Church.
length("hello"); # returns 5.
अधोलोक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अधोलोक- पाताल, रसातल।
बाबुली देवकुल तथा पुराकथा शास्त्र में इनकी स्थिति बड़ी विलक्षण है जिनमें इन्हें पाताल लोक का देवता, मृतात्माओं के लोक का शासक तथा अधोलोक की देवमहिषी एरेख किंगल का पति बताया गया है।
उसके बी दमन रिवॉल्वर अधोलोक था।
बैल तो रिवॉल्वर अधोलोक भी आग कोबाल्ट कृपाण से बेहतर बनाने के लिए, प्रतिज्ञा के लिए मदद करने Akyulus टूर्नामेंट जीतने के लिए।
इसका निचला भाग अधोलोक, बीच का भाग- मध्य लोक एवं ऊपर का भाग- उर्ध्वलोक का प्रतीक है।
वह अधोलोक का राजा (इब्रानी में मेलेक, उर्दू में मालिक) माना जाता था।
यवन साहित्य में ओरायन का प्रथमोल्लेख होमर के महाकाव्य ओडिसी में तब एक महान लुब्धक के रूप में होता है, जब ओडीसियस अधोलोक में उसकी छाया देखता है।
दूसरा विजेता टूर्नामेंट के शुरू होने वाला है, वह एक के लिए एक पूर्णकालिक बी दा मैकेनिक हो निर्णय करता है, को रिवॉल्वर अधोलोक, सबसे अच्छा बी दमन कभी इतना है कि Akyulus इसका इस्तेमाल करने के Yamato हार बना सकता vowing.।
""अधोलोक- पाताल, रसातल।
युद्ध के कैदियों को मेंस तथा डी इन्फेरी (अधोलोक के देवता) को चढ़ावे के रूप में जीवित ही दफना दिया जाता था।
अधोलोक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The film is a sequel to DaVinci's War, and its plot concerns a CIA rogue division war against the criminal underworld.
This event sparked a lengthy underworld war known popularly as the Melbourne gangland killings.
Mark Mallia was an associate of murdered underworld criminal, Nik Radev.
Vladislav Petković chose his appellation "Dis" as a repetition of the middle syllable of his first name, but also as the name of the Roman god of the underworld.
Like Orpheus, Shadrach descends into the underworld to retrieve his love, Nicola, but here from a cyborg [where genetic engineering and DNA splicing create fantastic and horrific creatures.
There, according to the legend, the beautiful "Sleeping Princess" is lying within the confines of the castle walls guarded by the blackest and most sinister master of the underworld.
However, his knowledge in underworld dealings is valuable to the team.
The body of Melbourne underworld figure, Lewis Caine (also known as Sean Vincent), was found dumped in a residential street in Brunswick on 8 May 2004.
On 3 November 2005, Faure and Evangelos Goussis were convicted for the murder of Lewis Caine, the first murder convictions related to the Melbourne underworld wars.
The result, called Orpheus, is named after the famed musician of Greek mythology who, when his wife Eurydice died, went down into the underworld to try to reclaim her.
A convicted car thief, Veniamin was a key figure in the Melbourne underworld killings, suspected of both murdering seven underworld figures, and being a hit-man for the Williams crime family.
Victoria Police say Veniamin was one of the most dangerous and feared men connected to Melbourne's crime scene, and by the time of his death in 2004 they had connected him with several of Melbourne's underworld murders.
Veniamin associated with an underworld group known as The Carlton Crew and after 2003 was connected with the Williams Family, and was a close friend of Carl Williams.