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अधोजिह्व Meaning in English

अधोजिह्व शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sublingual

अधोजिह्व हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

तीन ग्रंथियाँ दाहिनी ओर हैं और तीन बाईं ओर, जिनके नाम ये हैं : कपोल ग्रंथि (parotid), अधोहन्वीय (submaxillary) और अधोजिह्वा (sublingual) ग्रंथियाँ।

यह रस मुँह के बाहर स्थित कपोलग्रंथि और अधोहन्वीय तथा अधोजिह्व ग्रंथियों में बनता हैं।

अधोजिह्वा शिरा (sublingual vein)।

इस त्रिकोण की जिह्वा में जानेवाली पेशियों में अधोजिह्विका (hypoglossal) तंत्रिका जाती है।

अधोजिह्वा धमनी (sublingual artery)।

(12) अधोजिह्वक (Hypoglossal) तंत्रिका।

""(12) अधोजिह्वक (Hypoglossal) तंत्रिका।

अधोजिह्व इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Serous glands are most common in the parotid gland and lacrimal gland but are also present in the submandibular gland and, to a far lesser extent, the sublingual gland.

Blood is supplied to the sublingual branch of the lingual artery, a branch of the external carotid artery.

Laterally, in between the hyoglossus muscle and the mylohyoid muscle lay several important structures (from upper to lower): sublingual gland, submandibular duct, lingual nerve, vena comitans of hypoglossal nerve, and the [nerve].

The sublingual glands receive their primary blood supply from the sublingual and submental arteries, which are branches of the lingual artery and facial artery, respectively.

The sublingual vein drains into the lingual vein, which then flows into the internal jugular system.

The sublingual glands receive their parasympathetic input via the chorda tympani nerve, which is a branch of the facial nerve via the submandibular ganglion.

The postganglionic fibers reach the sublingual gland, and release acetylcholine and substance P.

Many drugs are absorbed through sublingual administration, including cardiovascular drugs, steroids, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opioid analgesics, THC, CBD, some proteins and increasingly, vitamins and minerals.

Pharmaceutical preparations for sublingual administration are manufactured in the form of:.

Suboxone is an example of medication that comes in a sublingual strip.

Multi-purpose tablets—Soluble tablets for either oral or sublingual (or buccal) administration, often also suitable for preparation of injections, Hydrostat (hydromorphone) and a number of brands of morphine tablets and cubes.

Lozenge—effects a metred and patient-controlled-rate combination of sublingual, buccal, and oral administration, as with the Actiq fentanyl lozenge-on-a-stick (lollipop).

Effervescent buccal or sublingual tablets—this method drives the drug through the mucous membranes much faster (this is the case in the stomach with carbonated or effervescent liquids as well) and is used in the Fentora fentanyl buccal tablet.

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