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अंतःपुर Meaning in English

अंतःपुर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : antapur
, harem

अंतःपुर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

These fantasy depictions regularly eroticized and objectified the spaces, see Jean-Léon Gérôme's 1876 Pool in a harem, for example.

Within the swarm of females, territorial males perform acrobatic U-swim displays and vigorously defend an area of the reef and its associated harem.

Aurangzeb required that the child be raised in the imperial harem and that the ranis live there also.

Aside from this glance there is no depiction of the nineteenth century social customs of the harems of elite Algerian culture.

Norman Chappell as Imshi the eunuch, caretaker of the Caliph’s harem (2 episodes).

Milton Reid as the harem’s hairdresser (1 episode).

Pairs are largely monogamous, however the largest male may maintain harems (polygyny) and the largest females may mate with multiple males at multiple nesting sites (polyandry).

His body was sent back to Syria in a silver coffin; his son Seleucus was made a Parthian hostage and a daughter joined Phraates' harem.

By luck he was at the Algerian port where he met a merchant who gave him access to his households private harem.

A Crowd of Bold Sharemen—Self-titled (2002).

The grey-headed flying fox forms [(zoology)|harems] during the breeding season consisting of one male and up to six females.

The odalisque (harem scene) was also a popular subject for depicting one-sided female nudity, although the clothed figures in the scene were not always male.

In the harem of Almanzor, Reiza laments her lot and manages to get a message to Huon who sets off to release her.

They were never admitted into a respectable harem, but were frequently hired to entertain a party of men in the house of some rake.

अंतःपुर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण अंतःकरण, अंतःपुर, प्रातःकाल आदि शब्द विसर्ग के साथ ही लिखे जाएँ।

राजा महल को निर्जन करा के वत्सराज से बोला- 'तुम भोज को रात के पहिले पहर में भुवनेश्वरी वन में मार डालो और उसका सिर अंतःपुर में ले आओ।

उस भाग के अवरुद्ध होने के कारण अंतःपुर का यह तीसरा नाम अवरोध पड़ा था।

दांपत्य वातावरण को आचरण की दृष्टि से नितांत शुद्ध रखने की परंपरा ने ही निःसंदेह अंतःपुर को यह विशिष्ट संज्ञा दी थी।

"" वहाँ सभी भवन और अंतःपुर में सीता माता को न पाकर वे अत्यंत दुःखी हुए।

अंतःपुर- जनानखाना, रनिवास, हरमखाना, महल के भीतर स्त्रियों के रहने की जगह।

वहाँ सभी भवन और अंतःपुर में सीता माता को न पाकर वे अत्यंत दुःखी हुए।

नाटकों में राजा के अवरोध का अधिकारी अधिकतर वृद्ध ही होता था जिससे अंतःपुर शुद्धांत बना रहे और उसकी पवित्रता में कोई विकार न आने पाए।

अंतःपुर के अन्य नाम भी थे जो साधारणतः उसके पर्याय की तरह प्रयुक्त होते थे, यथा- शुद्धांत और अवरोध।

भारतीय जनता पार्टी के राजनीतिज्ञ प्राचीन काल में हिंदू राजाओं का रनिवास अंतःपुर कहलाता था।

वहाँ अनायास मिल गए सोम को कुंडनी ने बताया कि राजकुमारी राजनन्दिनी को दासी की तरह खरीदकर अंतःपुर में ले जाया गया ताकि कलिंगसेना-प्रसेनजित् के विवाह में उसे दासी के रूप में राजा को पट्टराजमहिषी मल्लिका द्वारा भेंट किया जाए।

ब्राभव्य - अंतःपुर का कंचुकीय।

जैसा संस्कृत नाटकों से प्रकट होता है, राजप्रासाद के अंतःपुर वाले भाग में एक नजरबाग भी होता था जिसे प्रमदवन कहते थे और जहाँ राजा अपनी अनेक पत्नियों के साथ विहार करता था।

अंतःपुर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In the single district of Anantapur, in Andhra Pradesh, between 1997 and 2000, more than 1800 people have committed suicides, but when the state assembly requested these statistics, only 54 were listed.

; in Anantapur, the total from these categories was less than 5%.

Even under the emperors of the Cholas like Kulothunga"nbsp;I and Vikrama Chola, the wars against the Chalukyas were mainly fought in Chalukya territories in Karnataka or in the Telugu country like Vengi, Kakinada, Anantapur, or Gutti.

He was elected five times as Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) from the Penukonda constituency in Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh.

On 9 November 2008, Joolakanti Srinivas Reddy alias moddu seenu Reddy was assassinated in the Anantapur jail.

People from Anantapur district.

Modern obsolete currencies Anantapur district (officially: Anantapuramu district) is one of the four districts in the Rayalaseema region of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

The district headquarters is located at Anantapur city.

The name Anantapur was named after a big tank called Anantasagara.

In 1882, Anantapuram district was formed by carving out from Bellary district.

Anantapur city is from Vijayawada, from Hyderabad, and from the neighbouring state capital of Bengaluru.

Anantapur connects Hyderabad and Bangalore through National Highway 7.

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