PPP Full Form in Governmental (What does PPP stand for in Governmental)

The full form of PPP in Governmental is Point to Point Protocol.

The abbreviation, acronym, or full form of a single shortened form can be more than one. Every full form of PPP in Governmental is given below.

Every full form of PPP in Governmental

The total full form of PPP in Governmental category is 34, and every single full form is given below with the category mentioned.

Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Point-to-Point Protocol
Category : Governmental » Military
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Purchasing Power Parities
Category : Governmental » Transportation
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Purchasing Power Parity
Category : Governmental » US Government
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public Private Partnership
Category : Governmental » US Government
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Point To Point To Point
Category : Governmental » Transportation
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : People's Progressive Party
Category : Governmental » Politics
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Pusan, Panmunjum, and Pyongyang
Category : Governmental » Military
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Poor Prospects for Passengers
Category : Governmental » Transportation
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Pistol Pack Posse
Category : Governmental » Law & Legal
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Point of Personal Privilege
Category : Governmental » US Government
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Pakistan People's Party
Category : Governmental » Politics
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Payload Patch Panel
Category : Governmental » NASA
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Peak Pulse Power
Category : Governmental » NASA
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Programmable Power Processor
Category : Governmental » NASA
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Point-to-Point Protocol
Category : Governmental » FDA
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Power Projection Platform
Category : Governmental » Military
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Primary Patch Panel
Category : Governmental » Military
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Priority Placement Program
Category : Governmental » Military
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Private Public Partnership
Category : Governmental » Planning
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Partnership For Philanthropic Planning
Category : Governmental » Planning
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Phased Project Planning
Category : Governmental » Planning
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-private partnership
Category : Governmental
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-private partnership
Category : Governmental » Commerce
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-private partnership
Category : Governmental » Employment
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-private partnership
Category : Governmental » Planning
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-private partnership
Category : Governmental » State & Local
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-private partnership
Category : Governmental » Suppliers
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-Private Partnership
Category : Governmental » Environmental
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Paycheck Protection Program
Category : Governmental » Economy
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Paycheck Protection Program
Category : Governmental » US Government
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Parish Pump Politics
Category : Governmental » State & Local
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Parish Pump Politics
Category : Governmental » Politics
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-Private Partnership
Category : Governmental » United Nations
Short Form : PPP
Full Form : Public-Private-Partnership
Category : Governmental » United Nations

External Links for PPP